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  1. RS

    Yankuba Minteh

    Feels like he was always a FFP pawn. Hideous that this flawed system has led to standard operating practices of this kind.
  2. Someone must reply to that 41,000 bollocks, even just with this
  3. Wheys clé‘s are reyjis le breyes?
  4. Another perfect Southgate game. Bathed in beige. You’d think Mike Ashley appointed the gormless clown.
  5. Lee Clark and Steve Watson must be a shout?
  6. The draw will be seen as a positive first result to Gareth.
  7. You have to try and put yourself in their shoes to imagine how much copium they have to inject to get by in football these days. imagine if they were always the bigger club, sunderland was the nicer city. the richest owners in the world had just bought them and adidas was fawning all over their kit. whereas we couldn’t attract a manager, our club was still trying so hard to be relevant it invented attendance numbers and our fanbase went from Netflix faves to starring in soccer hooligan tv shows.
  8. RS


    Does anyone still get excited by England? Maybe my age but I cannot get enthused by them. I’d rather see us win the league cup than England win the Euros
  9. If any of you strip pervs lives in Hexham this was new with tags in Oxfam on the Main Street. £15. (In medium so rules 99% of you out)
  10. might have been this I was thinking of. Think it was possibly bullshit anyway
  11. Someone mentioned back end of the year I’m sure
  12. Looks like king street club in shields wallpaper? As does Isaak’s shop.
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