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geordie john

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Everything posted by geordie john

  1. This brings very near the setting up of a European 'super' league. Please just go and leave the rest of us to scrabble for the scraps....
  2. Gallowgate End, do you really imagine a man who has achieved so much in his career wanting to go to the dead end, only ever one winner, Scottish league?
  3. How is he racist? Sterling for one? You're not from around here, aren't you?! Deanho, Geordie born and bred, but now retired to sunny France. Still in my blood though!
  4. How is he racist? Sterling for one? Was a joke, Yaya Toure had a go at him about it a while back. Ah, my apologies!
  5. Heard Diame called a 'black c***' by one of our own fans sat behind me last season, makes no difference who they play for I sometimes despair of the whole human race. What have we got to do to change these people? Shoot them?
  6. How is he racist? Sterling for one?
  7. Who cares what we sell him for, the money won't get reinvested either way. I increasingly get the feeling that nothing matters. Sell 'em all, for what impact it will have. Crash and burn approaches?
  8. Gallowgate, I'm sorry to make a habit of disagreeing with you, but I rate Potter, as did the significant majority of Swansea fans.
  9. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/48386784 Chronicles take : https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rafa-benitez-newcastle-arsene-wenger-16323544 Wenger comes into the category of manager that would be terrible without great players. A manager that would only look great in a league like the French League with PSG or a Big 6 club in England with great players. Rafa Benitez over Wenger every day of the week for me. Not that Arsene would ever take on that type of challenge of his managerial skills I'm sorry but I disagree with you on almost every point. Wenger did seriously well with a very average Monaco side, and some of his Arsenal teams weren't exactly awesome in their skill level. How do you know he would be terrible without great players?? He definitely has (had?) the ability to spot young talent and make them into very good players, and in my humble opinion, that makes him a very good manager. Whether his coaching is still as good as it was when he was younger, he has the gravitas, style, experience, appreciation of NUFC and ability to coach average players to achieve better things (in many ways he is very similar to Rafa) I would lose so much if Rafa did leave, but Arsene would be an amazing alternative. (If, massive if, he could be persuaded to come and work for our FCB....)
  10. BlueStar, that's a truly shocking read. I thought those days were long gone. Sadly I'm wrong. The 'people' who behave like this deserve to be put in the stocks. How many of our players are black, Muslim, etc?
  11. Rafa is waiting, waiting, waiting. And then he'll leave at the end of his contract. Odds please bookies? Nah, too obvious....
  12. I'll sell you Longstaff for £25m, Shelvey for £18m and Gayle for £15m as long as I can buy Rondon for £16.5m and you give me Trafalgar Square plus Fleet Street for £300. Oh, and while we're dreaming........
  13. I am constantly amazed at the unreal optimism of some. He'll be given £100m, He'll get this, he'll get that. Reality: his contract expires soon and fat mike has done as little as is humanly possible to offer a reasonably acceptable new one. Wait, then start speculating, before the potentially inevitable departure fuels new rumours...... Sorry to be a pessimist guys. Or is that Realist?
  14. Regarding Pep, Klopp, Rogers etc. I've often wondered what would happen if the top five and bottom five managers swapped places for a season. Just how good would the 'best' do with a poor club, because that's surely the mark of a great manager and coach. And how would Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea do with a 'poor' manager? Is it down to the players, the team ethics or more to do with their coaching? It's complete fantasy of course and will never happen, but it would really sort out the great managers who can get the best to win as opposed to the great manager who can get the poorest to win.
  15. Gallowgate End, the general opinion, and one which I share, is that are talking complete garbage. Nothing personal......
  16. 100% Agree. Without any doubt at all - even including the Robson years, KK gave us the best footballing side this country has seen since the new Manchester City. Utter, complete joy to watch. Unbounded pleasure and the biggest smile on my face since I got married. So the team blew it - I wouldn't swap those years for anything. Every-ones favourite second team - that tells a tale. Anyone who doesn't agree either wasn't around in those years or is a Mackem. End of debate.
  17. More likely get his brother Somaney. Too clever by far. Sadly too true as well.
  18. I actually don't think it will go tits up for them....they've done really well, despite what we think of them.
  19. Agree, but he's playing a very canny game. You want me - give me what I'm asking for (reasonable) or I will walk at the end of my contract. No-one could possibly blame him and Ashley will be covered in shit by the whole planet. Great result either way.
  20. King Kev! Jinky, that's always been a dream of mine, that one day he would return (again!) as chairman. Can you imagine the ride it would be??
  21. Like a one year deal is really going to commit his future to rebuilding this once great club? Crap journalism...
  22. 100% agree with you. The football they have played has been simply sublime and I have watched them in awe. OK< they've spend mad amounts of money but that doesn't bring success or good football. Manure springs to mind! They are just on a different planet. If Liverpool had played the same then I'd be happy for them to win it, but I hate, I mean HATE, cheating diving cun#s. And the whingeing fans really take the biscuit for the most annoying. I sense they feel they deserve it. No they don't.
  23. I can't tell you how much I am seriously enjoying Manyou implode. This would be a genius appointment that will only further degenerate this club. It actually makes us look professional, which is really scary. Down, down you go you reds.....
  24. Get realistic man! One step at a time, not a quantum leap!! No way in a million with Ashley sanction this level of progression. Nor would they come to us unless we're at the top of the tree, in the Champions league etc....
  25. If I went to my boss and asked him some serious questions about my future and he completely ignored me for a week, I'd start throwing my CV around with intent. I am constantly amazed by two things: 1. Rafas incredibly loyalty, decency, commitment, football brain and intelligence in the face of almost overwhelming odds 2. Just how much of an utter, total, complete piece of ignorant, rude, crass, thick shit our owner is. This is ending, like so much that cunt touches, in - once again - tears. I ache for what our club was and what it could so easily be again.
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