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geordie john

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Everything posted by geordie john

  1. My own opinion, cemented after the last week of take over garbage and the insult to a man like Rafa, is that ANYONE who gives so much as a penny to Ashley is complicit in supporting him in his vile treatment of our once great club. I don't care if you say it won't make a difference - it will. I don't care if you say it won't affect him - it will. A TOTAL boycott of ANYTHING to do with Ashley - this club, Sports Direct. Debenhams, Game, ANYTHING he has a share in, is the ONLY way to get rid of him. After nearly 13 years of complete shite with this man in charge, surely no-one believes anything else is the answer.?
  2. This will be my one and only post on this. I seriously do not give a fuck. Totally lost interest until the fat bastard dies. End of story.
  3. EVERY NUFC supporter should listen to this. Cry, weep, pull your hair out but never, ever give money or support in any shape or form Ashley or his minions. He is 100% Bang on in everything he says. RIP NUFC.
  4. Is it a criminal offence to actively encourage, promote or assist in violence to an individual? Asking for a friend....
  5. Don't. Get a life. Stay away. For all our sakes. Please.
  6. Biscuits aside......the guy seems to have absolutely no clear plan or idea what he wants to do with his growing empire of failed businesses. So many dirty fingers in rotten pies. I've held some very senior positions in retail and the retail groups he's bought into are all on their last legs. Ashley is many things but a retail genius he is not. Making them big again is going to take many hundreds of millions, if that's even what he wants to do. Assuming he knows what he wants to do. It's this that gives me hope about the takeover. If he is determined to make a go of them all (what's the point in buying them otherwise?) then he needs a very substantial pool of cash to invest in them. About as much as he'd get by selling us. Please let this be true because it means all this grief is worthwhile. Now, back to biscuits......
  7. On a day of complete insanity, this has made me laugh the most!!!! My only real and legitimate concern is what happens if it rains? It could all get very messy???
  8. What's this with a tea bag?? Tea Bag!!! Nothing, but nothing beats loose leaf Early Grey Tea, brewed in a proper tea pot. My Mums is the best, then poured into a big mug. Note I did not say china tea service. Biscuit of choice with this - absolutely has be Nice. Taste of coconut always gets me.... Tea bags should be illegal. Unless you're Mike Ashley - remember him?
  9. Persy, you've lost me completely! Explain?
  10. This has become the greatest thread in history! Got to believe that there is nothing like it on any other forum on the planet! OK< how about Twigelts? Or is that off topic? What is the topic? A crunchy chocolate bar?
  11. Sorry, STM, but what's that got to do with biscuits?
  12. Disagree. This has to be the weirdest ever thread I've seen. We've gone from takeover, Sonyas bits, biscuits, marmite, Bovril.......this thread is history in the making. One future generations will read and marvel at. A time when NUFC have just won the world soccer/football championship will be reflected in this awesome thread that will have reached a zillion pages......... (Oh, and I used to have a Bovril drink at half time in SJP in the 60's. Still love the stuff.....rock on boys!
  13. Not directly toon related but he is haemorrhaging money right now. If 'Goals' goes he stands to lose another many millions. https://news.sky.com/story/ashley-shows-goals-bosses-red-card-over-accounting-crisis-11744406 This guy really is in the mire and needs cash quickly........ Dare we think there is room for hope?
  14. Do you think that one day he might get the message? Gallowgate End, do you think that one day you might get the message? Sorry for the repetition....sorry for the ...oh fuck!
  15. Cracking piece of journalism this. Oh, if only all the rest of the useless journos would get on Ashleys back then there might have been an earlier sale...
  16. Its definitely takeover or bust for me. Benitez staying with Ashley changes nothing for the direction of the club other than reapplying the plaster on the axe wound. Rafa staying with either owner or bust for me. The club will drop down the leagues like Sunderland otherwise. The takeover is the absolute most important thing by an absolute mile. We have had 12 years of the club being totally devoid of basic investment and improvement. No person manager or player is more important than the future of the club. How can you know that when you have absolutely no idea what the new owners will be like The man that can offer Newcastle the most guaranteed security for the future of this football club is Rafa Benitez. Enjoy Tim Sherwood and dropping down to League 1 then. You think the new owners are going to hire Tim Sherwood? The stupidity amazes me A lot of our fans are in for a reality check. The same ones that wanted Sir Bobby out for 3rd, 4th, 5th probably Have we really not realised managers like Sir Bobby and Rafa Benitez only come round once in a blue moon have we really not realised that yet? Seriously? Do you think everyone else - apart from you - on this forum are stupid?
  17. I can see the takeover parade now. Lots of our new Arab owners, millions of Geordies all screaming and wearing toon shirts, general hysteria all over Tyneside. And then Trump drops the bomb. The 10 seconds of glory were worth the 12 years of the cunt Ashley. Bye world.....
  18. Wednesday 19th June is my birthday. Would that not be the best present I ever had or will ever have?
  19. Thought so, but we live in eternal hope
  20. Couldnt have put it better myself. Is that Olly gunner something and Jose Morino thingy? Man U wind up?
  21. is 'Squeeze my bird' some reflection on my wife?
  22. I was driving home today and saw a dead Magpie at the side of the road. What do the omens say about that?
  23. Yep I'm fine. Like everyone else on here we want this to happen asap. It's just not. Pages and pages of hope, expectation. ITK's. My mate said. I guess we'll know when the world tells us. Or not. But I'm good thanks! and yourself?
  24. ............................Nothing happened ............. .... .....
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