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geordie john

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Everything posted by geordie john

  1. Which rules would they be then ? Rule 5.1.C: Do not, under any circumstances, enjoy yourself or show ANY love for this (shit hole of a) club.
  2. Is it any wonder we are where we are with statistics like this? Spare us all and let him die?
  3. No they never man! You could tell when he was interviewed about the game beforehand he wasn't bothered at all. He wanted out that competition it's clear to see. It's totally wrong! We have got in this daft era where players apparently need wrapped in cotton wool. I remember Shearer used to play against all sorts of s**** in cups, Stevenage, Grimsby etc and we took the cups seriously. No coincidence playing likes of Shearer in the early rounds got us to a couple of finals. Right geniune question cards on the table time. Let's get some serious answers to this: If Rafa Benitez signs a new deal under this regime and there is no spending still and more early cup exits will he be complicit and what sort of regard would he be held in then? Simple answer: Rafa will NEVER sign a new deal unless he has written total control and an agreed transfer budget each window. Without that he will walk away. And who on this earth could blame him?
  4. It's so comforting to know that we have a kind and caring club. Part of the community, and all that.
  5. Everything, but everything needs an upgrade. Starting with the owner, the first team, the ground, the training facilities, the...oh the list is endless.....
  6. geordie john

    Gelson Martins

    Why do people believe this is a realistic transfer? Do they honestly think it will happen? Nah....
  7. Why? Is he a seriously good right back?
  8. geordie john

    Gelson Martins

    dtd, as they all will. Does anyone seriously believe anything else?
  9. I don’t know which part of you decided that this was an appropriate time or topic to make a joke, but in future I think that’s the part you keep inside your head. Or don't even think it. Be a human being please....show respect.
  10. I actually couldn't watch / listen to more than a quarter of Wises utter garbage shite lies. I feel sick now. Fellow men and ladies, our club is no more. It is dead.
  11. Paully, I'm so sorry to hear bout your legend of a father. May he rest in peace and one day, from above, see the resurrection of our once great club. The letter also serves to show what an utter giant of a man we have as our manager. Class.
  12. True, but look at the gap between the dire, grim rubbish that United serve up compared to the beautiful football of City?
  13. I was fortunate to see this man (god?) play a few times. Understand that this was in the age when footballs were heavy leather, boots were real boots not the slippers of today and centre halves kicked shit out of forwards for fun. He was, without any doubt in my mind, the most extraordinarily gifted footballer I have ever seen. to this day. He never got injured, never fell over, never got 'taken out' and always looked like the ball was glued to his laces. Amazing turn of speed, ability to run with the ball, turn on a sixpence, see a pass ans score some utterly divine goals. And fucking good looking too! What happened towards the end of his career was a travesty, but man, he left some great reminders of his ability.
  14. As I said earlier Supermac or Mickey Quinn nothing compares The best bit about SuperMacs debut was him coming off after scoring the first two to have two front teeth out, then coming back on to get his hat trick. Instant hero. Forever.
  15. This is why American football (sorry, Soccer) sucks. WTF does it mean? The guy can't score.
  16. Best debut of all time? Easy! SuperMac against Liverpool. The best ever, by a country mile.
  17. The only thing that Ashley cares about is money and a degree of market fame for what a barrow boy has achieved. He cares not a single jot about NUFC, the city, its fans or its people. He has done nothing, repeat nothing to prove otherwise. Anyone who believes differently doesn't know him. Apart from one window, our transfer spend has been shocking. Relegation? Spend just enough to get promoted quickly, but sell your prized assets before hand. NUFC is two things to Ashley - 1. A cash cow that he has repeatedly milked and raped. 2. A free advertising tool for his retail empire. Nothing else. The club is a decaying skeleton of its former being. Protests - real protests - do have an effect but would not stop him milking the club until it became either a real national scandal that hits his retail empire, or, when there is simply nothing left to milk. Once again, with a transfer window approaching, and relegation a possibility despite Rafa's best efforts, and the possibility/likelyhood of losing Rafa at the end of the season, Ashley has come up with his 'let's get the deluded ones have some hope' tactic of revealing bogus buyers and bogus transfers. What entrepreneur goes on TV, looking like a fucking choir boy, to announce advanced talks of a buy out? The man treats us all with utter and total contempt, and will sell only when he wants to and because it will make him a massive profit so that he can plough it into his burgeoning retail empire. Like every true Geordie and supporter of NUFC, I desperately hope the rumours turn into facts and we can look forward - as we used to - to a well run club, playing decent football and giving us all some pride. I'm not holding my breath, and I would suggest that, until there is hard facts to the contrary, no-one else does. This man is not going away quickly. And I hate him with every fibre in my body.
  18. The nauseating 'look I'm a genuine nice guy and I really, really do want to sell this club to give all you nice people what you really, really want' look on his face makes me positively want to be sick. All over the fat cunt.
  19. I'm sure he will have been watched real time. Sadly I can't get to the USA so only have youtube to see what the guy is about! Not much in my opinion.
  20. Having watched Almiron on a certain video site, and considering these clips will be 'the best of', I'm not convinced about him. 1. He's in a poor footballing league - Division 1 standard? 2. He looks lightweight. Don't even think of comparing Modric quote to him!! 3. Despite his goals / assists, I'm not sure he'd score many against Premier League defenders or 'Keepers. 4. He can run for sure, but again, put him in front of a quality defender - would he get past? 5. Does her replace Kenedy? 6. £25m? Is he worth that? I trust Rafa, but is this the mar of desperation? Then again, I think Rondon is a complete donkey, so what do I know about football?
  21. How can this man call ant=y one of his players a spoilt brat when he is the biggest spoilt brat of them all??? If an allegedly world class manager cannot motivate young players to perform then he is simply not good enough anymore. Jose, sadly your time is up.
  22. He's a shadow of his old self - is Rafa asking him to play too deep? Maybe, but his performances have been piss poor.
  23. Agree 100%. What got into the referees mind to book him? Unhuman!
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