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David Edgar

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Everything posted by David Edgar

  1. Joselu is going to piss me off so much tonight. He is always on the back foot and timid as fuck.
  2. The actually statistically non-existent new manager bounce is coming...
  3. The journo is a NUFC fan. IIRC he's covered us in the new statesman before.
  4. "ghetto f***s in deepest peckham would wear" is not sitting comfortably.
  5. It's cos he's a smart manager who has adapted his approach to the demands of the Premier League. That Nice diamond wouldn't work here. Leicester are lucky to have him.
  6. Ah, fair enough. Anyone in the studio reckon it was a red card?
  7. Pogba is now the media darling so his red card incident will be swiftly brushed under the carpet and forgotten.
  8. Southgate's weaknesses being exposed at Man Utd would be funny.
  9. Distance covered is a poor indicator tbh. Number and intensity of sprints is far more important. You want players who can do shit loads of sprints at a high intensity across the 90 minutes and not just someone who can run at 3/4 pace across the 90.
  10. Disagree. His passing, crossing, awareness is no different to lower league players. He's just really fast and that masks a lot of his issues.
  11. I bet Rafa did want Ritchie to take it short. Clearly a pre-planned routine they're doing.
  12. Really doubt this. It was clearly a plan. Ritchie is just following what he has been told to do.
  13. I actually watch league 2 regularly? Those chaps pass the ball around like Yedlin but just aren't as physical.
  14. He should be buzzing tonight. Still, a career of Championship football awaits.
  15. Won the least shit negative goal difference cup.
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