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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. I've never seen a professional footballer without a hot lass tho but. Mind there was one, obviously ?
  2. Similar replies on twatter as here but, then again, loads of people like to be Frankie Boyle from time to time. #metoo ? Kid lives in Lyon, France. Different culture, different lifestyles. Home ownership isn't as popular/accessible, especially in cities so it should be no surprise if he is 'wfh' at his parents. Seemed good enough for Brentford and, seemingly, good enough for Dan. Good luck to the lad
  3. I'm not a shirt nonce so don't know what team it is but why's that kid, in the white top, hiding his face? ? On license? Should be at school? Told his lass he was working? Fiddler?
  4. Whilst I agree, in principle, with the whole equality ethos whatever industry etc etc but there has to be some realism about the value of the product. Apart from that I think, again in principle, FIFA's insistence that every player gets the same is brilliant. Some life changing cash for the poorer countries. Contary to, say, our own Gvt's tight fisted attitude to Gurkhas & South Pacific soldiers who can't be given the same rewards as our troops because "it's a greater value to them as they're poorer to start with"
  5. I can understand why Pearson would want to hang around with young boys ? but not @Heron ?????
  6. 'Prejudice' against foreigners. Absolutely founded on racism. Last time I looked I didn't see England's gammonati ranting about Australians, Swedes, Ukrainians and any other bunch of honkies coming over here. Just 'swarthies' ? Trouble with good old Blighty is we've had centuries of being told how great we are, dumb as fuck foreigners are, white is right. It's no wonder huge numbers of the population have unconscious bias (it IS a thing peeps) & can't help but have their outlook steered by it. Last 13 years it's gone nuclear, tho, no question.
  7. Got back from Altea on Wednesday. Was canny, cheers.
  8. It's going to be a very interesting season. Notwithstanding the pressures of European football can our players improve AGAIN. Staying at the same levels won't be enough, fantastic as the the season was, as other teams will improve. Who and how much is the bookies conundrum. City, obvs, Manure, Arsenal, Villa, Brighton should be better. Liverpool shouldn't have the rank start they had or Spurs (Kane depending) & Chelsea. I'm expecting ongoing improvement from The Joes, Gordon, Isak. Miggy will just run all day regardless. Tonali and, maybees, one other in the mix and I'll settle. Only panic I've got, in reality, is my snide TV pulling the plug ? On the Klopp "ceiling" bollox I chanced upon this, again, from Swiss Ramble. Apart from the obvious fact we don't get a mention the figures are eye watering and show, under rigged ffp, how far we have to go....
  9. For me, he only turned shit when they were struggling. At first I cut him some slack because I figured he was just creating white noise whilst protecting his players then he just got worse. Lots of middle aged blokes make cunts of themselves then double down tho. Especially when they legends, either in reality or just in their own minds ?
  10. Dunces at the back think they know more about the net value, of the Chris Wood thing, than Eddie Howe.
  11. Neil - Shortstaff - Onien > Bruno - Tonali - Any Joe Obvs
  12. "Nimbys" is a performative adjective predetermined to negate the subjects interests. It's perfectly reasonable to wish to retain one's aspects. Wether its from new motorways, football grounds,, new builds, schools, halfway houses for nonces etc etc. Nee one wants to be fucked over, it's only human nature ?
  13. Wraith heading over to write Andrew Tate's memoir, provisionally entitled, "Operation Rapers"
  14. I could search for it but can't be arsed. Said ages ago that Blunderland would be ideal for him. They play good expansive football, have loads of yoof and it's handy for keeping tabs. Downside is the liklihood of his family getting hockled on but, other than that....
  15. Just build a massive East Stand that incorporates these listed buildings within the structure. Can be re defined
  16. Remember getting a taxi to the Milan game and the taxi driver telling us how much they hated Juventus. Sang a chant they sing then tried to get us to learn it on the journey so we could sing it too, at the game. He wrote it down for us but, in the end, we were too pissed to do it justice. Something like this* Juve!! Juve!! vaffanculo Prendi il dito medio e infilalo nel buco del culo *curtesy of Google translate
  17. Doesn't spite me pal, I may be in Altea atm cracking jovial remarks about Miggy's non English but I'm usually found 20mins south in a Bennas full of Brexit voting Brits who can barely speak there own language never mind the one they're physically holidaying in
  18. Sat on Altea beach watching that with the wife and I just said the very same. Even I can order a pint ffs
  19. Groundhog63


    Given our current trend for signing players that were shit houses against us it's more than coincidence that the first bit of handbags in this video is Big Joe beasting Cucurella
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