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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. The pedant in me would argue that card is ill written. Unless Bruno, actually, loves this kid's Dad it should read... "Dad I love you more (than I love) Bruno G..." But, then again, I get the impression wor Bruno loves everyone ?
  2. You had her on Google images while you typed that, didn't you?
  3. My understanding is they were all down his local having a bit of Dutch before harassing him at home. He got wind of it and headed them off at the pass, as it were. Snidey af filming tho but
  4. I can remember Charnley sat in the Strawberry telling home truths....
  5. He's not. Canny as he is, he fell short when it mattered.
  6. Who took it down? The shitstains
  7. Ha. Do I need that Homer gif, reverse ferreting back into the hedge? I skim read his tweets and read that Sancho interview blog. Tbf, as I've said I've had a 10 year hiatus from NUFC, I'm so giddy now I'm easily seduced
  8. Following now. Writes some good stuff, I see. One of the positives of the social media revolution is the emergence of so many well informed, articulate commentators on football. This guy's a good example. Also see James Lawrence A. Of course it's also unleashed a veritable smorgasbord of narcissistic bellends but that's showbiz
  9. Regardless of our, ultimate, owner's morality etc etc you've got to admire the way the 3 front of house conduct themselves. Ok Jamie's a tory cunt and shouldn't be anywhere near a foodbank for plaudits but other than that seems happily legit. Amanda is just a dream. You get the sense she's just utterly and emotionally tied into the club. Then there's Mehrdad bothering his arse replying to balloons on twitter. Daft cunts tagging them into spurious twitter threads and/or asking ridiculous questions. No better than Exile, some of them.
  10. Thought you weren't allowed to take photographs in a courtroom?
  11. Was just gonna post this, then a long political diatribe , But I'd love it if he came here, just love it
  12. 1st time in 10 years I'm bothered.
  13. And I'm just saying that a huge chunk of the people described by the gvt as on welfare, and the resultant financial figure, are pensioners on both State Pension AND in receipt of "some form" of benefit. Totally and deliberately scews the arguement. they present to diminish the welfare state
  14. And there lies the problem. "some form" The UK GVT & the devolved powers use the same figures. They, the DWP, class the State Pension as a "benefit" for eg. Weird, I know. Iirc 48% of people "in receipt of 'some form' of benefit are IN WORK" Only 1 in 8 households in receipt of housing benefit, for eg, have no one working Anyways. Hope we sign Ekitke and "soon"
  15. All of the above. That clip of him being a cunt to the 13yr-old keeper while Neville Southall berates him just sums him up. Probs gets used by psychologists to pinpoint mental deviance
  16. So I hear.... https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/statement-of-fact.1581879/
  17. Free elderly/personal care No tuition fees Free prescriptions Progressive and aggresive policies on smoking and drinking etc etc It's not perfect under the SNP but way less of a shithole, basket case than England. I'd take "Wee Nippy" over 98% of Westminster any day.
  18. "No point in any of us going in if we've half a squad" Cabbage Heed
  19. Regularly spotted in The Cumberland up the coast.
  20. How can you be bankrupt but live in Dubai?
  21. This. We've only had one transfer window and, even taking into account the fact it wasn't guaranteed to work, they showed they're not to be toyed with and know their stuff. I'm not sure how many times people need to have the reasoning for purchasing Wood and the price tag explained to them for it to sink in but that single transfer shows that they will do what's needed when needed. We needed a striker, ready to go, that was better than Gayle. We could get him, no fuss, paying the release clause. We did then went looking for better again. The purchase of Tripps then Bruno show they can get top players. Mind, I'd never heard of Bruno. Not pissing about and buying BDB as well. As I say, it wasn't nailed on to work but it did. And that was without Dan Ash
  22. Who's the Aussie keeper? Shane Pickford? What a cunt
  23. Forgot about Chilwell. Must be a kick in the bollox for left backs seeing a right back playing there ahead of them even if he is God
  24. Couldn't possibly graft his way into the World Cup, surely? I'm struggling to come up with another left back without googling and we're, currently, playing a right back there.
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