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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. If the ESL wasn't still in the horizon no Americans would've paid £4.5b for Chelsea. The Gvt won't stop it.
  2. Part and parcel of the cartel mentality overseeing the transition to the ESL. Main reason they're pulling up the drawbridge particularly against us. As McCormick, rightly, mentions even Leicester get the big heave-ho. Yanks paying £4.5B for Chelsea means one thing and one thing only. They think it's still a goer. Daft thing is any fans of these "Big 6" teams and their ESL scab partners who think it will all be fine and dandy up there in the (US driven) big league will be in for a shock. Absolutely no way will the Yanks put up with 2 team cities etc etc. Be franchises moved as soon as they can. 1 Manchester Team, 1 London, Madrid. Be hilarious when Spurs and Arsenal are moved to Arizona and Bangkok
  3. Groundhog63


    Bear in mind I haven't got a fucking scooby what I'm talking about but, imho, England will not win anything playing Kane or any other traditional forward. Edited......started to type out my reasoning with evidence etc etc but ended up like Charlie in the basement
  4. Mad that, esp since '17
  5. Subsequently unveiled himself to be music's very own Yaxley-Lennon. Probs would prefer to wake up in Sunderland now
  6. He's tall He's blonde He cost a million pound Wor Danny, wor Danny ?
  7. This thread's gone all RTG
  8. Good read that. Me not being the brightest I'm taking from those figures that their, varnigh, £40m losses INCLUDED the £7m fine. Reminds me of being a reckless financial knacker in my youth when I was barrasic, got letters from the bank manager ( yes kids, actual fucking letters) telling me I was being fined £25 for going over my overdraft AND £15 admin costs for them sending a letter ?? Kick a man while he's down like ?
  9. Had my Spotify playlist on while driving yesterday and Fort Minor "Remember the Name" came on. I downloaded it because it was the soundtrack to that Tiote YouTube vid back in the day. Was reminiscing about how good he could be.
  10. Basically stick him on the bench for the first 3 games then unleash the beast?
  11. Groundhog63


    I didn't watch the game. Not really fussed about close season friendlies. As for the squad, coming together well. Semis and finals. However, they ain't 70's Brazil
  12. Nearest you get is that, 1st of the day, lag after a full session on the drink the night before. Fully dehydrated yellow piss. If your bathroom is riddled with damp that'll get you bonus points & nearer the full aroma
  13. I've still got the stench of the 60s/70/80s Gallowgate pissers in my nostrils.
  14. Maybees your Granddad stayed in Northumberland his whole mining career? Had he moved to Jarrow, for eg, he would've become a Jarrow mag. It's not exactly rocket science but, back in the day, when many villages in Northumberland/Durham/Yorkshire had their own collieries the workforce could be transient. Had to be. If your colliery shut or had a bad accident you HAD to jog on and find work elsewhere. Likewise when smaller collieries merged into bigger ones. https://englandsnortheast.co.uk/1950-1969/
  15. Anyone else can't say "Shakira" without saying "Shakira, Shakira" as a follow up!? Also, if I'm putting gloves on, when I put the 1st on I invariably say "oooh oooh Shamone mutha fukka" Mostly out loud.
  16. Their current "Top 5 most hated people in football" thread should be on every psychology degree course
  17. Aye this. Was listening to, iirc, Talkshite before the ECL final and the general vibe was Klopp's Liverpool were moderate spenders. I was shaking my head in disbelief. Perhaps compared to City or Chelsea but they've spunked a fortune. Probs easier to go out and buy marquee players to enhance the team if you've a plethora of homegrown talent already on board but still.
  18. I've just deleted a post and, on reflection I should've left it in. Along the lines of..... "As likeable as Targett is, he's no Irving Nattress..............#oldbastard" Posted it then remembered. Yeah, Niall, he's no Irving fucking Nattress because Nattress was a fucking RIGHT back you cunt. Obvs, said in my head like cos she's still in bed ?️??
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