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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Thought you weren't allowed to take photographs in a courtroom?
  2. Was just gonna post this, then a long political diatribe , But I'd love it if he came here, just love it
  3. 1st time in 10 years I'm bothered.
  4. And I'm just saying that a huge chunk of the people described by the gvt as on welfare, and the resultant financial figure, are pensioners on both State Pension AND in receipt of "some form" of benefit. Totally and deliberately scews the arguement. they present to diminish the welfare state
  5. And there lies the problem. "some form" The UK GVT & the devolved powers use the same figures. They, the DWP, class the State Pension as a "benefit" for eg. Weird, I know. Iirc 48% of people "in receipt of 'some form' of benefit are IN WORK" Only 1 in 8 households in receipt of housing benefit, for eg, have no one working Anyways. Hope we sign Ekitke and "soon"
  6. All of the above. That clip of him being a cunt to the 13yr-old keeper while Neville Southall berates him just sums him up. Probs gets used by psychologists to pinpoint mental deviance
  7. So I hear.... https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/statement-of-fact.1581879/
  8. Free elderly/personal care No tuition fees Free prescriptions Progressive and aggresive policies on smoking and drinking etc etc It's not perfect under the SNP but way less of a shithole, basket case than England. I'd take "Wee Nippy" over 98% of Westminster any day.
  9. "No point in any of us going in if we've half a squad" Cabbage Heed
  10. Regularly spotted in The Cumberland up the coast.
  11. How can you be bankrupt but live in Dubai?
  12. This. We've only had one transfer window and, even taking into account the fact it wasn't guaranteed to work, they showed they're not to be toyed with and know their stuff. I'm not sure how many times people need to have the reasoning for purchasing Wood and the price tag explained to them for it to sink in but that single transfer shows that they will do what's needed when needed. We needed a striker, ready to go, that was better than Gayle. We could get him, no fuss, paying the release clause. We did then went looking for better again. The purchase of Tripps then Bruno show they can get top players. Mind, I'd never heard of Bruno. Not pissing about and buying BDB as well. As I say, it wasn't nailed on to work but it did. And that was without Dan Ash
  13. Who's the Aussie keeper? Shane Pickford? What a cunt
  14. Forgot about Chilwell. Must be a kick in the bollox for left backs seeing a right back playing there ahead of them even if he is God
  15. Couldn't possibly graft his way into the World Cup, surely? I'm struggling to come up with another left back without googling and we're, currently, playing a right back there.
  16. By breaking sanctions, yeah, and coining it in. There's no doubt the sports and arts boycott of S'africa played its part but it was the political/ economic pressure that was the main international driver. None of that would have mattered one jot without the sacrifices and effort of the indigenous population and their supporters. If anything sports people should be grilled for having anything to do with murderous apartheid Israel if RKSA is the benchmark. As the Kid said previously the globalisation of everything we use means it would be very difficult to live a pure guilt-free existence. Christians for eg, or socialists for that matter, can't be expected to live in cardboard boxes feeding of weeds they've self cultivated whilst anything they "earn" has to go to charity. Not everyone has to be Jesus. We all know SA is an unsavory regime. So is China. Russia now. SA is but UAE not so much, not Qatar. India, Brazil, Hungary, The former Russian 'stans, Israel, The Taliban now but not in the 80s when they were our pals, seemingly. Thing is we, and more importantly the US deal with these countries. Always have always will. One minute they're pals, next minute they're enemies. Largely depends on how compliant they are to the US' needs. Absolutely Yemenis are getting bombed with our missiles fired from our planes bought by SA. The weapons industry brings in lots of money and lots of "jobs", innit Christ I remember watching our boys in San Carlos Bay getting pulverised by Argentinians firing French missiles with some parts in them made in Britain ffs. Anyway much like "woke" "snowflake" "whataboutary" & "cancel culture" "sportswashing" doesn't exsist. If it did the whole world and their dog wouldn't be debating exactly how bad a country they are, surely? Morning. Up The Toon
  17. Anyone else doing TOONdle? Tough going ?
  18. Given was special. Mad he left to sit on Man City's bench. Had a look at this, prompted by your post.... https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/newcastle-united/torhueterchronik/verein/762 Obvs McFaul was my no1/no1 but, over the years him, Budgie, Shaka, Pav, Timmieeeee and Shay and Enrique ? Special mention to Kevin Carr, ACAB
  19. Mathie's goal is in my top10
  20. Supermac. Moved to Berwick in 73 (from Bensham) and didn't get to see them live until 1976. Teacher, and Burnley scout, Mr. Wilf Renton took a load of us kids down to the Man City game. We won 2-1 and McDonald scored. We were in the paddock as it happens. Tremendous experience. Gutted when we sold him. Also loved Nattress, McFaul and Hibbert. Tbf when I read kids slagging off our players and think back to my youth and doing my "fantasy 11" it makes me laugh. I could hardly bring myself to drop any of them. As for other teams players, I liked Geoff McNulty, Leighton James, Willie Pettigrew (fucking Sportscene was all we got). Over the years I always liked Brooking, Currie, Latchford, Worthington then really admired Steve Bull.
  21. Or crusty spunk from viewing his screenshot collection of "Rate My Plate"
  22. Iconic moment and a rare fill-up during the Ashley abyss. Definitely needs a homecoming visit on a matchday. Hopefully wearing a "Fuck Ashley" T-shirt
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