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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. The only thing he's discovered is 3 bottles for a tenner at his local Waitrose
  2. My Aunty and her wife were there and in nearly every fucking picture that Adam Pearson's in shot. Creepy, inclusive, bastard that he is
  3. I'm old enough to remember Leslie Phillips. Lechary could be a low bar ?
  4. Groundhog63

    Joe Willock

    I hope the lad progresses on and with us. He's got those, on loan, relegation saving goals on his CV and that passage of poetry when he sent everyone's galactico, Tielemans, for a Chronicle then deliberately crossed the ball off a Leicester player's foot for wor Bruno to fucking head the cunt into the net. His place in my homecoming is cemented.
  5. Nothing inappropriate about that unless you think she's not a real lass, in as "unreal" ? Nothing un-pc about admiration unless it's laced with lechary ?
  6. Should've grassed him up. There's a chance he could run over, and possibly kill, a budding Internet sensation whilst distracted.
  7. Tbf theres a canny few taking in water after last night's debacle
  8. I tried to hunt them down online and couldn't find anything.
  9. Hat tricks 20th August and 4th March imminent
  10. I've actually watched a few of their games last year and have kept an eye on the squad. Seemingly last nights defeat was the "2nd string" (I recognised most of them AND the bench btw, plus their new new star man.) Seemingly also friendlies aren't "intense" & "just a run out" then in the next breath "I was impressed with L2 Bradford. They had their full team out and they played with intensity etc etc" Anyway this kid's gotta be an Uncle
  11. There's a few of them on here ?
  12. I'll invest in it and get back
  13. As a slight aside, try telling the kids we got up to date info on news, weather, sport and, more importantly, bargain holidays via the format of text messages on the telly and they'll scoff
  14. When I first read that reply I thought "aye, I've been up since 4 a fucking clock and had the dog out twice already" Then realised what you meant ????
  15. 1 in 3 striker. Looks in good nick
  16. That's what I thought when I saw his attire. Black nylon trakkies as well. Only time he'll sweat more than today is when Yewtree give him a knock
  17. Follow him on twitter. Some canny vids of him being asked to leave by the staff. Wilkos and Spoons being particularly witty......imho......obvs
  18. "Don't be a cunt like me, Dazzler"
  19. Who'd have thought, before he decided there was more misery to grift from in Telford, that Tommy 5 names was a MLF Sunderland is woke central now ?
  20. I know. I was being ssrcastic
  21. But when England's Michael Owen gans on like that he's a cunt? (*) * obvs he is a cunt like
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