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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. You could taste the cunt in the air man ?
  2. There's gallons of hot steaming piss soaked into the foundations of the Gallowgate end as well mind
  3. It's clear evidence, if needed that the biggest obstacle to "swift" progression hasn't been Eddie Howe's alleged limitations, the owners "procrastination" or, even, the cartel. It's fucking Ashley. People going on about binning Eddie and getting an "elite" manager when, by their own estimations, we haven't got an elite squad. A squad full of "deadwood" no less. Tonali, Barnes and Tino were great signings, just went south fast ? Hall, granted, is a funny one but I accept what Howe presented.
  4. I'm old enough to remember Gordon Lee
  5. Picture from that very match has emerged @ChronicleLive
  6. Call me a cynic here but, checks notes, have you researched the application and constraint our current "Independent" regulators of other industries have grafted? Literally floating in raw shit. Utility bills through the roof while profits soar etc etc etc Be another jobs for the boys and girls keeping the status quo
  7. "I swear, on my honour ref, he fouled me"
  8. Need to knock down the city as well then if it's stopping rough sleepers and crime ya after ?
  9. A vast field full of cow & dog shit that has a funfair, in the pissy rain, on it once a year. Get the cattle back on the farm and Make Our Moor Great Again
  10. Greenwashing with Saudi bucks
  11. Photoshop an 80k seater in the middle of that and I'm IN
  12. Urban Gardens is the charity that oversees some of Newcastle's green spaces including Leazes Park, iirc Woefully underfunded and, now, skint. Busted. I'm a champion for urban green spaces for wildlife, diversity and human wellbeing. Now might be a perfect storm, however, to shift the ground there. Provided the current site and everywhere around was replaced and rejuvenated with parkland. Having said that, and referring back to the club's survey, a great deal was made of people's willingness to attend any stadium earlier, spend more and stay longer. Bit of a tap-in to how the moneymen want it. Stand alone ground where the city's establishments don't get all the business, the club does. Also, as an aside and notwithstanding 14 years of Tory austerity due to be supplemented by more years blue Labour Austerity, I think the Town Moor is a fucking joke. Get the cunt planted and invested in like Central Park, for eg. Tell the Freeman to get fucked.
  13. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1Vr0RmOc7K/?igsh=cGpkY2N4YzFkbTF5 Crack?
  14. North East Top Dog's Runners Up Cup
  15. They were in a shit group tho. We had fucking nails and were robbed. ?
  16. I don't know like. You definitely have to be better than 13/14 other teams in the most difficult league in the world but, aye, not THAT good ?
  17. Only good thing to come out of shitsville is that camping geezer and his dwarf pal Mick. He's an entertaining Mandingo
  18. And we gave them 4 of those ????? https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/68250675
  19. Was never a pen. Seen them given which, I guess, is fortuitous but the lad should've been yellowed for cheating. In a sane world
  20. Not being contrarian for the sake of it and notwithstanding his lack pce but I got the impression off here that their 1st was another Burnoff. Watching the Highlights it's a canny pass through a huge gap between Burn AND Botman. Both had time to get back until Dubs goes all kamikaze. Bit harsh pinning that goal on one individual
  21. Just seen Bruno's 1st. Hotel sheets covered in jizz
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