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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Ps, for the record, 50+ years supporting Newcastle and Bruce is, without a doubt, the biggest cunt ever to sit in the dug out
  2. I can't look at it or comment on it. My lad's on here and I don't want him thinking his dad's a letch. Same reason I can't go on the "Lush Lasses" thread or that "MILF" one and have simply no idea who Sydney Sweeney is, on no.
  3. Groundhog63


    "they've changed the flaaaaaag"
  4. * copyright Facebook (Positive Toon)
  5. Cathedral on the hill, you say *
  6. Groundhog63


    Is it a playfully updated injury?
  7. Seen some chatter on my X this morning. City willing to ship Grealish and some Villa fans wanting/thinking he'll "come home" Surely FFP would stop that little fantasy. Unless City took a bigger hit than they did on Phillips AND he dumps his wages. @brummie???
  8. His bedside manner is appalling, doesn't beat about the bush, but he's a top top surgeon ? Ps hope it goes as well as mine. Make sure you do the physio. Did mine at the Freeman but you'll be at Jesmond tennis club, no doubt ?
  9. I've done both ACL's. Left one playing football, right one skiing in Val Thorens. NHS fixed both, by the incomparable Mr Deehan, tho but Granted I'm a 13.5 clem 60yr old but I can still hoy myself down the slopes without so much as a twinge. Having said that my arsehole goes 50p/5p on some of them. He'll be back.
  10. It was ignored by the post straight after ??? N-O knee specialists out the woodwork.
  11. Just said, about Maguire, "he done well there" Wor lass replied "he did, for a lump"
  12. The same people screaming we need an elite manager whilst moaning we've a team full of duds
  13. Popped in. Seen the clown parade. Popped out.
  14. You could taste the cunt in the air man ?
  15. There's gallons of hot steaming piss soaked into the foundations of the Gallowgate end as well mind
  16. It's clear evidence, if needed that the biggest obstacle to "swift" progression hasn't been Eddie Howe's alleged limitations, the owners "procrastination" or, even, the cartel. It's fucking Ashley. People going on about binning Eddie and getting an "elite" manager when, by their own estimations, we haven't got an elite squad. A squad full of "deadwood" no less. Tonali, Barnes and Tino were great signings, just went south fast ? Hall, granted, is a funny one but I accept what Howe presented.
  17. I'm old enough to remember Gordon Lee
  18. Picture from that very match has emerged @ChronicleLive
  19. Call me a cynic here but, checks notes, have you researched the application and constraint our current "Independent" regulators of other industries have grafted? Literally floating in raw shit. Utility bills through the roof while profits soar etc etc etc Be another jobs for the boys and girls keeping the status quo
  20. "I swear, on my honour ref, he fouled me"
  21. Need to knock down the city as well then if it's stopping rough sleepers and crime ya after ?
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