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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. A fairly honest piece, given the source, until the end then they were singled out, obvs ??
  2. Hope they ballot for season tickets and all us shit fans get them.
  3. Agree, none of our business. He should just do what that Diaz did. Carry on playing football, regardless, and just pull his shirt up to reveal the text... "Come home, luv, we all miss you" or "Can we have our stuff back" Or whatever ?
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/rokerreport.sbnation.com/platform/amp/2018/2/28/17061448/the-moment-it-all-changed-for-sunderland-afc-an-illegal-payments-scandal-that-rocked-wearside
  5. Aldi steak bakes > Capt steak bakes
  6. Quite the opposite, in reality. MPs "represent" their constituencies, or are supposed to. They attend Parliament to speak on their behalf, or are supposed to. Them shitting the bed and voicing an opinion in line with many of their voters is exactly what democracy is meant to be about.
  7. Anyone else read that in the style of Shteve McClaren, for sure
  8. Groundhog63

    Jacob Murphy

    He has. He's in a queue
  9. Quoting my own post, I kna, but was reminded of this and had forgot to mention another old bastard, retired colleague who's currently starring in Ken Loach's latest film. I'm still scratching my arse on the sofa like but basking in the shade of their glory as if it were my own.
  10. Apart from the fact Clarkeson's a cunt, this is good ??
  11. Bit sad to see Peru in the dumpster. Notwithstanding our very own, trumpet playing amigo, I always liked Peru. For this maestro
  12. Well they are all tories, who have a propensity for picking one dud leader after another, so maybees incoming
  13. Aye, Conjo's talking out of his banjo there, tbf
  14. I'm a 59yr old retired fireman. One of my retired colleagues is a fully trained up sports physio guru and is heavily involved in NUFC. Another one has just brought a book out about his life/careers etc and another old bastard rowed the Atlantic as half of a duo. Book about that as well. Meanwhile I'm lying on the sofa, eating crisps and chatting shit online. 50 is the new 18 but not for me ?
  15. Have I read that wrong, wouldn't be a first like, but are you suggesting the owners should make a statement or something? I think it's just shit stirring added to by a very very small minority of NUFC supporting doylems. Amanda, Eddie et al just need to ignore and carry on.
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