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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Just done the survey. Clearly they want a new one.
  2. What's the problem? It wasn't much use to them ?
  3. Worth remembering, no matter how world class we were or utter fucking dogs shit they were, if it hadn't been for Fabian and Maguire's interventions we might have drawn.
  4. I went into General chat for to bump me snowflake gums at any flagshagging gammonati on there and stumbled on the "Meet the pets" thread. Wouldn’t let me post a picture of my Flora, the fascist, dog bothering, cunts. Anyhoo, sacked General Shat off
  5. Keith Lard, who's Health & Safety advice can only be bettered by the man himself, Mr Ernest Moss
  6. Groundhog63

    Nick Pope

    If we need to get another keeper in why don't we buy Patterson from the undead, the week before we play them? Then flog him to 'boro into summer for less ?
  7. Getting sacked, for being unreliable, at my first "job" was both a wake up call (excuse the pun) & a forecast to future me ??? Loved that paper round. I take the mother in law shopping every Monday and she likes a Chronicle from Sainsbury's. Guaranteed, when I go over to get it off the stand, there'll be an bloke reading one. Guaranteed, I'll say "it's not a library, mate" Oh how we chuckle
  8. I think what he meant was have a huge clear out. Take the hit, start again with a defined plan.
  9. It's bread and milk they use to get the punters in, btw ? Newspapers, on the other hand, lose their rich, establishment, owners 100s of millions a year but are cost effective in that they direct the public's thought processes in the direction that suits the rich. Agree with the rest tho, apart from a tax dodge, I've no idea what the FCB was playing at.
  10. I know it's Manure and it's funny watching their impasse but I agree with this fella who agrees with that fella.....
  11. Maybees I'm doing a bit of self kidology but I'm not overly stressed about the thought of losing to these, in the FA cup. Shit happens and it wouldn't be the 1st time a top 1st div/Prem team has been knocked out by a 2nd div/Champo (?) outfit. In many ways we're done with any rivalry and all that's left is bragging rights. There's a Grand Canyon sized vacuum between both clubs futures. I'd, literally, be gutted for an hour then bounce right back. Also, if we win, I'd be laughing my very cock off
  12. David Ike Piers Corbyn Right Said Fred
  13. Put some pressure on Dim McGuinness, she's grifting herself about for North East Mayor so needs the votes
  14. Love him. This generation's Keegan Cherish his unquantifiable dignity and unbridled ambition for us.
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