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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Dear me. Philips is 27 not 37. Plays for England* Great DM Snap their hand off *arguably shouldn't be on games played this season for Citeh but, conversely, would play every game for England were it not for Rice. Him, Bruno, Tonali would be an awesome 3 next season ?
  2. Tbf if you watch the video there's not much, actual, damage done. Other than to, what must be already fragile, reputations. Clowns
  3. Let them spend a few million on a squad player, we've got our's. He has flourished, as have they all under Eduardo, and I appreciate he's got a ceiling. Totally agree with @Dr.Spaceman He has been playing out of his skin. I just think absolutely none of our players can be described as "average" given what they've produced these last 2 years. Fuck me, down to the bear bones and humped Chelsea. Won in Paris The wife and I were talking after the game on Tuesday about what happens with that lot when the injured lads come back? Difficult shout. I'm dead loyal to Newcastle players, always have been. As a kid doing my imaginary Toon team I'd still pick half the current players even when, which was often, we were shite. I've never been more proud of a group of players than with these. Every time they need to drag something else from the depths of their very souls, they step up. From bairns to seniors. Nothing avarage about any of them.
  4. I totally get, if we sign a RW "worldie" that Miggy would be the backup unless sold. Murphy isn't "average" in my mind given his performances under Howe. Average isn't playing really well in a top6 Premier League team, imho.
  5. Along with (to Cliff's Mistletoe and Wine) Bitcoin debt Haven't recovered yet Doing a back shift Overtime to get Missing the champo Never mind it's dampo Huddersfield are shit so the 3 points a cert
  6. Tbf if my season ticket to that souless, empty shit tip cost £60 I'd just stay in Wincie's shed bar necking Nobbys Nuts washed down with 15.5% Cool Shot Blue all night.
  7. Tbf, pre takeover, the club did give 1 ticket to every employee. That accounted for 15 tickets. Penfold's, the 3 box office staff, 2 caterers, 4 ground persons ?, the coach driver, Stan the Sports Direct Sign fitter, Ashley's dealer, then the last 2 for Ashley's son-in-law and Cabbage Heed's useless son Alex. Post takeover there's about 300 people in the scouting department alone. Think we employ more people than Nissan. You could be right.
  8. You would think colonialism, deliberate genocide by starvation, the troubles and Mrs Brown's Boys would be enough. Poor cunts, NOOOOOOO
  9. Always liked WBA from my days of yoof. Cunningham, Regis etc etc. I thought they were class. The club, tho, blotted their copy book the way they handled Darren Moore appallingly. Pleased they're doing well tho and Moore is working well at Huddersfield. Both clubs, like ourselves, blighted by the appearance of the 25 stone walnut whip in the dug out. Shared shame, as it were.
  10. You must get forgetting the fact he's a monumental cunt there mind. Definitely the worst version of a monumental cunt I've seen
  11. Watched TNTs...er....."highlights" ? Highlights, for me, being the empty ground, the MLF you can hear shouting abuse above the silence when Huddersfield score the winner and Pritchard putting his hands on his hips and shouting "for fuck sake" when nee one's got on the end of his utterly woeful pitch into the far post. Joyous
  12. Swear down I've just listened to North East round up on BBC News, whilst I made my toast, and the lass didn't mention last night's football. Some "axe throwing trainer having to get taxis instead of the bus" but no football. Hey ho
  13. Skipped the match bit but the rest is like Last of the Summer Piss. 3 daft old blokes, with shit patter, living their best lives. Only in this version they all look like Compo. That "Wincy" just gets more and more pissed. Can hardly taaaak at the end.
  14. Noticed a couple of times, at least, he sent a decent pass into space that wasn't read by his colleagues. 1st half, in particular, he received the ball over our right midfield under pressure, turned and fired the ball into their half. Neither Isak, who it was meant for, or Gordon reacted in time. Would've been clean through.
  15. They mostly all are. I've said before, watched a few Sunday Supplements in the past and it's just them sitting there masturbating over each other's word salad.
  16. Apart from the fact sports writers don't have to have the same political leanings as the titles they graft for, The Guardian is "Left" in a similar way Blair was. As in not at all. Cunts spent 4 years battering the only chance of a progressive gvt in generations. As for the match, gutting as it is, the non-penalty won't cost us further involvement. That's down to suffering a Dortmund double.
  17. Koul nearly scored a late equaliser, against, eventual World Cup winners, Argenfuckingtina in the last 16. Where's he now These kids need to learn their trade for consistency alone.
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