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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Apart from the fact Clarkeson's a cunt, this is good ??
  2. Bit sad to see Peru in the dumpster. Notwithstanding our very own, trumpet playing amigo, I always liked Peru. For this maestro
  3. Well they are all tories, who have a propensity for picking one dud leader after another, so maybees incoming
  4. 6 automatic places and 1 play-off spot, no?
  5. Aye, Conjo's talking out of his banjo there, tbf
  6. I'm a 59yr old retired fireman. One of my retired colleagues is a fully trained up sports physio guru and is heavily involved in NUFC. Another one has just brought a book out about his life/careers etc and another old bastard rowed the Atlantic as half of a duo. Book about that as well. Meanwhile I'm lying on the sofa, eating crisps and chatting shit online. 50 is the new 18 but not for me ?
  7. Have I read that wrong, wouldn't be a first like, but are you suggesting the owners should make a statement or something? I think it's just shit stirring added to by a very very small minority of NUFC supporting doylems. Amanda, Eddie et al just need to ignore and carry on.
  8. I'd be cycling around wearing a hooped top with onions around me neck, tbf
  9. At the minute I'd settle for him being a pro once a fortnight
  10. International break fillers, transgender issues and Eddie's impending demise. Next up PIF selling up to Greggs
  11. Sure this thread trajectory started when someone called Tonali "just a kid", yeah? People piling in about how virtuous, disciplined and conscientious they were at 21 whilst other admit they were barmy ? Great examples of personal prism as a benchmark. Lets be clear I think him, and more than likely Milan, have done us like a kipper. When youve fucked up to his extent it was the easy way out and I don't think the club can do anything but support their £55m investment. As for the age thing I know people my age, 59, that are still fucking up and have done all their lives. Others that lived exemplary lives then, doooof, fuck right up in middle age. Can't argue with insurance companies that drop the premium when the punter's reached 25 though. That magical age when the common sense and risk awareness kicks in, apparently ???? Should've waited 2 years before signing him
  12. I'm wondering if Daisy's proud of her Fatha's username ????
  13. Only if he's wearing twin set & pearls and, when she looks back up, she can see his tackle
  14. Was in Manor Walks on Saturday and this couple walked past and he had his Xmas ganzie on. Nov 11th, daft cunt.
  15. Judging by my success rate in the ballots I think I've been bannad as well. Need to review me history on insta ?
  16. This. She's a vile harridan. It's, yet another, culture war and she's more than cheerleading. Women get raped by men dressed as men. If it were only about toilets, and the transgender movement compromised, they could use accessible loos. Problem solved. But it's not about toilets. There's a couple of men dressed as women frequent Manor Walks. Older chaps and big lads. Hands like shovels. I actually admire their bravery, esp given the current climate. Must be fucking torturous trying to fit into a society that won't accept you when all you want to do is live your best life. Not sure about banning fans for what they post on their social media like. Depends on the content and the context. Very much a modern phenomenon. Niall, aged 59, bald, straight, cunt
  17. This. Like the bloke Read a canny piece on him yesterday. How he respects his mum and elder sister for the efforts/sacrifices they made in his favour. Good lad.
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