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Posts posted by woody

  1. 1 minute ago, The Bonk said:


    What @woody has said, but Davies covers so much of the pitch, you’d think he was centre mid. We are so lucky to have him, easily our greatest ever player.


    Qualifying in style would really do wonders for Football here. They all seem like such a great group of players too. Really chuffed for them.

    We've come such a long way from Even Pellerud demanding hoofs from the back for the women's team and now this on the men's side. Will say that I thought Zambrano was the real deal to lead this team until the Herdman replacement/coup. Herdman has done an amazing job bringing this team together. We had former CPL players out today which I would have never expected.

  2. 2 minutes ago, The Bonk said:

    I live half the month in Hamilton, if I didn’t have my kids this weekend, would have been there, definitely not topless, however. :lol: 

    Gonna drop you and @toontownmana DM about the next Canada match. Me and a buddy are trying to arrange a trip

  3. 14 minutes ago, triggs said:

    Does Davies usually play left back or further forward?

    He's played as a left winger and somewhat as the left forward in a three man attack. He basically gets free reign down the left. Adekube (who used to play for my hometown club) normally gets the LB/LWB role, at least from games I've watched

  4. 1 hour ago, The Bonk said:

    Yup, last two games. We are a tight unit even without him.


     I can’t believe we’re top of the group and unbeaten. :lol: Golden age of Canadian Footie right now. Unreal.

    A buddy of mine sent me some photos from his spot with the Voyageurs when the FT whistle blew and I haven't seen this many shirtless men since my one and only Newcastle game


    Edit: New page Canadian wanker

  5. This may have happened under Ashley too, but nice moment from NUFC yesterday. Tagged them in a tweet about my grandfather (an ex-youth player for them many, many moons ago) passing and someone from the club reached out to ask if we could send a photo and blurb to make it in the next match program. Small thing but meant the world to my dad and grandmother.

  6. 55 minutes ago, The Bonk said:


    Ha! Totally remember this kid. I remember his "dream" of becoming a "web designer". He also claimed to love ManU, no? :lol: (poor kid was a mess)

    This is a deep cut. Didn't he collect captain's armbands as well?

  7. 8 hours ago, Stifler said:

    If he gets a Championship job or something I think he’d take it. It would be too hard to turn down.

    He gets Canada to a world cup and he's got a job for life, basically. I think he'd be loathe to leave as he quite literally gets full control of our player and coaching development right now.

  8. 2 hours ago, Tomato Deuce said:

    Not quite yet…still 6 more matches after this one.


    Hope y’all stick it to ‘em tonight.

    Hahaha I was overly optimistic. Still just insane to actually experience this. I'm used to Canada getting bent over by Central American teams

  9. Canada playing Mexico tonight. -8 C in Edmonton (and snow) with a win guaranteeing us a place at the World Cup for the first time since '86. Going to watch the game with a bunch of ex-86 national team members and it's wild how upbeat they are after years of us being Mexico and the U.S.'s whipping boys

  10. 1 hour ago, huss9 said:

    managers from consett, isnt he?

    Big Newcastle fan. Interviewed him for work during the Pardew 5th place season and asked him what sort of player he wanted for the national team. "Coloccini. I'd love a Ben Arfa but Colo would sort out my backline"

  11. 4 hours ago, The Bonk said:


    Stay classy Alberta! :lol: :lol: 

    There was a streaker at a Canada rugby match in Vancouver the other year. The assistant coach came tearing off the bench and absolutely levelled the guy. Was immensely satisfying.

  12. 44 minutes ago, toontownman said:

    More Ramsey links with Juve looking to cancel his contract. Seems like a red flag signing injury wise to me. 

    Amazing player but Michael Owen levels of injuries, sadly. I sincerely hope we stay away from the normal "Galactico" signings like Robinho when the City group first took over. Fingers crossed we build strategically...which is a weird thing to say thinking when about this time last year would've taken nearly anyone.

  13. 7 hours ago, toontownman said:

    In time. Let's get Canada to Qatar first!


    He would be immense though in one of those capacities. He'd also want the top job or nothing likely though. 

    I've loved Herdman's time with Canada but he's got an incredible gig right now. Most talented Canadian team since '86 and complete control. I don't see him leaving any time soon, especially with some of the bridges he burned to get the men's job.

  14. 21 minutes ago, Jimwallace197 said:


    Rodgers did & has done exceptionally well with both Liverpool & Leicester. He's British, he knows the league inside out. Also, where did I say I didnt rate Ten Hag, I said he's not as good as some posters are making out. Good success in europe & a superior Dutch league, wtf are ya on about? He's limited success in europe, never actually won anything & the Dutch league is not so superior.


    One of those snarky posters picking out one aspect of my post ya little rat 


    Ah, now it all makes sense.

  15. 8 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Another thing and I’m not having a go at them but at SAFC a lot of the coaches are failed academy products, I say failed, I hate using that word, but they never made it and credit to SAFC for having a programme in place that takes care of those that don’t make it or gives them a route back into the game, they are all amazing, but their coaching is basically based on what they failed at/didn’t do/couldn’t do and so they look for kids that can do what they couldn’t and kind of rather than have a unique set of template style coaching to each individual kid based on what they can and can’t do or need to do, they have just this one must be able to do/have to do template. And if not, well… they will be lucky even if SAFC gives them a route back into the game as coach in they late teens/early 20s. 

    That's really interesting. My youngest sister was on the Canadian junior national team at points as it was being overhauled and it's surprising (although it shouldn't be) how often politics - like who is close to the coach or in one case who was a booster for the team - still influences decisions. Credit to her, she turned 17 and decided she'd rather go in to medicine than try to eke out a living as a footballer.

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