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Posts posted by woody

  1. 9 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    We would do well to actually, as much as I loathe them, have a few agents on the payroll because they have experience in negotiating deals and contacts and can advise the club RE clauses, what a player may end up demanding say after year 3 at the club and so on. Chelsea used to do it and most Italian clubs in the 90s. 

    For some reason, I thought this specific practice was banned. Or at least I remember that agents needed to wait a certain amount of time from being agents to working with clubs. I could also just be making this up.

  2. 2 hours ago, Geordie_once_removed said:

    This has got a wiff of Boumsong about it. I think we should walk away.  We really need someone with pace and that doesn't seem to be him.


  3. 7 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    I don’t think it will be that tricky to shift a lot of those players tbf

    I feel like the major issue will be wages at NUFC vs accepting something elsewhere with a newly promoted club. Then again, Colback is a starter for Forest so I may be wrong.

  4. On 02/06/2022 at 05:02, Shearergol said:

    It’s much easier to get inflated fees selling players if you’re a top 6 team. Liverpool selling Brewster is miles different to say us selling him. Transfers are much less risky because of this. Chelsea can spend £20m on someone then sell him for the same amount without him even playing.

    Totally this. Speaks to the inflated value you get for just being in one of the top spots.

  5. 40 minutes ago, 54 said:


    While I love reading the football insight, there's something hilarious about him describing going to an "A-Ha" concert and describing it as his "secret passion."

  6. The club sent me the NUFC v Everton match programme featuring my granda's obituary. Got a nice note from the club which surprised my grandma and was pleased to get. Really nice touch and can't imagine that happening under Ashley.

  7. 1 hour ago, Stifler said:

    John Herdman has been linked with Burnley, Blackburn, and QPR.

    Be wild if he jumps ship for those gigs. Leading Canada to the first World Cup since '86, has complete control over our youth development system and basically full say over our FA. If he does up and leave, it'd be genuinely shocking.

  8. I know it's been said, but footballers apologizing on Instagram for losses. I get it Bruno, losing 5-0 to City sucks but c'mon. Losing wasn't that unexpected, we don't need the social media apology and promises of "we'll do better."

  9. 25 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    He wanted Anelka, Louis Boa Morte, Collins John and Dean Ashton, we got crocks in Faye, Owen, Luque and Babayaro instead. 




    I felt so bad for Luque. I'm convinced if he hadn't had a goal ruled out on his debut (against Man Utd?), he would've been far more successful here...obviously not a high bar for him but still!

  10. 1 minute ago, Mike said:

    Imagine going to your normal job and the manager was like "You're late. Bring iz some cadbury's tomorrow!"


    "Ah you fucked up today, I see. Bring iz a bribe as payment, my son."

  11. I was today years old to find out Remy Cabella is still playing. Was playing in Russia until the war broke out and recently had his contract terminated. Also brought back (unhappy) memories of Thauvin and (happy) memories of Mrs. Thauvin.

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