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Everything posted by Thumbheed

  1. Eh? Strop? I'll ignore the fact you're trying to divert the conversation and crack on with my day. It's absolutely clear you have nothing. Edit: FYI, your point is they have the capacity to pull off an ultra precise cover up, which would weather legal scrutiny by some of the best lawyers in the UK, when they can't even carry out their own ODT. Oh and you're basing this on your opinion. "Realist" though.
  2. Fuck all then. So you've assigned yourself as the "realist" based on fuck all. Conversely, the others see the same corruption as you do and see legs in it, thats literally it. Dunno what's so hard to understand with that and why it's pretty relasitic but here we are on a Saturday afternoon discussing it. Just boring as fuck. "Realist" though Same time next week?
  3. For what it's worth, I dont actually mind a discussion with people who thinks its not on, but from everything I've read (and I have been glued to this thread), I've seen fuck all in the form of actual logical reasoning as to why the PL are correct. That's literally the only singular point you have to demonstrate and yet I see fuck all.
  4. That is literally the same thing as saying the PL are correct. It's just mental gymnastics to support a position you can't really back with anything other than supposition. "Realist" though.
  5. I mean, for people to beleive that it won't happen means they think the PL acted appropriately and are correct. [That is literally their legal opinion]. It means they're aligning themselves with the likes of Luke Edwards ffs. Where's the evidence to support the PL's standpoint? "Realists" though.
  6. I think him checking himself is quite a tell. Imagine wishing someone well after recovering from an illness by sayin "well, they have survived.
  7. "well....they have surv..." are the words of a man who's disappointed we survived. Seems his tone has shifted from smugness in his earlier sit down interviews to resentment in this one.
  8. But surely the same argument could and would arise in this case?
  9. What impact would losing the arbritarion case have on this case?
  10. Its negative speculation based on nothing more than misplaced cynicism. Caulkin knows nothing Kennedy knows nothing Keith knows nothing PIF withdrew It hasn't happened yet therefore it must not be happening etc etc. The same views repeated ad nauseum against a backdrop of an owner who himself thinks the takeover is still on.
  11. There's reports that Hoffman was aware of Project Big 6 and communicated his approval of those plans. If Project Big 6, isn't defined as anti-competitive, then I don't know what it.
  12. The thing is, the PL have proved they're more than willing to drag things out, and caving in would essentially be an admission of guilt. It's totally unprecedented so whilst I am and have always been confident of a takeover, I'm not so certain that they'll roll over like is being assumed and yet I can't think of a single logical and feasible reason why they wouldn't as on the surface it seems so clear cut.
  13. This is excruciating. Feels like we're either a week away from a takeover or 2 fucking years.
  14. *Sorry, as in how the PL could argue against that very rule. I think they'd parrot what they've said in public which is PIF withdrew blah blah blah, but even then I think it'd be a flimsy argument if it can be shown that PIF had provided sufficient information up to the point of withdrawal.
  15. Yep, this is what I was referring to although I couldn't remember the actual rule. I'm not sure how they'd argue against that very policy in court, it seems clear cut to me, although my legal knowledge only stretches to Bird Law.
  16. Yeh, agree with this. Its even more farcical when you consider that they haven't deemed Sheik Mansour at Man City as a person of control when that structure is even more blatant.
  17. This is true, but to be honest it's the type of shithousery from Ashley that I'd be all for, for once.
  18. Not that I'm advocating James' theory but wouldn't he be able to say uncertainty around the takeover restricted his ability to make a long term decision? Thus impacting the clubs status? Could the PL actually argue in court that they didn't have grounds to make a decision either way? From what I've seen, they've had ample opportunity to reject the takeover.
  19. Yeh but do you have proof of this? Where is this written down in black and white?
  20. So have we decided where I can go to read things that make me all warm and fuzzy inside or are we all still measuring dicks?
  21. He'll have 1 eye on the takeover. Don't think he's got the heart to face into another relgation battle, he's been called out by too many people.
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