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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. Jobs for the boys Ritchie must be one thick cunt. Well playing for Scotland when he talks like a cockney shows how thick he is
  2. Exactly. Should be up Newcastle today buzzing to have the season back and support out our city and club. Unfortunately that's not possible. God i remember the first home game of 2001/2 season v Sunderland I was buzzing for weeks about it. Even the Spurs home game 2017 I was. Now this
  3. I will listen on the radio. Zero interest in going out of my way by walking 5 mins to the nearest pub to watch it, when in normal circumstances I would have done anything to watch it. Even less interest in going to SJP anytime soon. Hope we win and there are loads of visible empty seats!
  4. Nah, it'll never get that bad imo. IIRC you’re not from up here but my reasons are entirely based him on being a local bloke just like he appropriates himself being my equivalent. I hated Pardew, as much as anyone, absolutely f***ing despised him but he had no investment in the club or city, he was getting paid to do a job way above his station and was forever grateful. There was no alleged emotional attachment. That makes it way easier for what he did and whilst I don’t agree with anything he did it’s somewhat understandable he was happy to go along with it, particularly given his narcissism. Bruce is doing the same role but he proclaims to be a fan, a man of the city, a man of the region. He’s working for a bloke and praising him for running all three into the ground, it’s absolutely shameless. He knows this and he knows what he’s doing, we’ve seen all his quotes about this kind of thing before. He has as much respect for himself as I have for him. He is a patsy hungry for money and adoration. An embarrassment. But more importantly an embarrassment to my club, my city, my region that’s he claims to be part of. That hurts more than someone outside for me. (And yes I know he’s a symptom not the main problem) God, I hate what a s*** show this club has become and what it stands for (yes, there are sparks of good occasionally). It kills me. It’s tiresome. It’s not what being a supporter is about. I want to be proud of my club, my city. One affects the other and one has little to be proud of at the moment. Tremendous, this. Class that! Exactly why he's worse than Pardew by a mile! That's before you add in him being a snake, a mackem and a shit manager
  5. Bloody hell fair play, you could reach 100! Off to a flyer
  6. I will go for official attendance tomorrow 47,278
  7. Jesus. Why are they targeting ozil? Is it just random or is there something behind it?
  8. Usually they are updated by the next morning
  9. Fitzgerald


    Hahahahah fuck me man the mad mistake What a name
  10. Decent. On average I reckon 50 is a very solid par weekend
  11. Cheers Harold! Pogba left and on 60 so solid start. Main thing I have learned from last year is not to spend points!
  12. Brugge, now that's a word that conjures up drunken memories
  13. Hopefully. 10k empty seats and a nice home win would be ideal. We win but it's clearly highlighted what a lot of fans think about the club
  14. Fitzgerald


    Mag in the Ipswich end too
  15. Fitzgerald


    Another one hounded out and not a pot to piss in. Glorious. What a state of a place and club they are man and they still have the nerve to think they can laugh at Newcastle and that they are superior to us.
  16. Pretty irrelevant like he's never gonna be a PL player
  17. Ruins football VAR. that initial celebration and buzz of a goal has been taken away now as you have to wait and see for VAR. joke
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