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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. Excellent. 80m on a striker with 24 goals in his last 114 league games
  2. Fitzgerald


    It's just a f***ing chickentown. Even all their players and staff live and spend their time in Newcastle. A city that all the mackems despise yet the majority of people on their payroll spend more time in it than their own dump of a "city". Embarrassing. No wonder they are so bitter Small time Cunts
  3. Rashford as manures main striker you say? Excellent. Ole at the wheel and Rashford as the main man up top. Going to be fun watching their demise continue. Oh those poor armchair fans Froggy[/member]
  4. Inter are mental. All that hassle and 77m for Lukaku man.
  5. Can't wait to get started. Changed my team about 612 times in the last 3 weeks and still no idea on what to settle on 5-3-2 seems the one like
  6. To most people, the reality is, there isn't that much wrong. We're in the Premier League. That's enough for most people to show up. Nail on head. The greatest trick and achievement Ashley has done here is lower expectations massively. 90% of our match going crowd see us as just a yoyo club now happy to just survive and that is the main reason there will never be any serious boycott.
  7. Fitzgerald


    Small time cunts. State of them, their "City" and club ffs. No shame yet still think they can laugh at Newcastle Look at the mad mistake man the mad Cunt
  8. Fitzgerald


    Weird bitter bastards. They are the deluded ones. Vastly inferior as a city and a club to Newcastle yet think they are on a par. Mental levels of delusion in chicken town
  9. Fitzgerald


    Ah right. Still fucken weird. If we started doing impressions of them we'd have to drop wor jeans and s*** on our seats.
  10. Who giv... only joking I'm back on board Joelinton
  11. 5k down from last season would be decent progress for us tbf seen as we are usually at 52k regardless in the PL
  12. Looking about 46k official then? Might look around 10k empty seats if a few thousand boycott
  13. Excellent business hahaha Also pep trying to plead poverty saying they couldn't afford Maguire man
  14. Makes me think of Odin when I see Midhats name. What a awful time that was man He played a blinder tbf. Had godzilla[/member] telling us all the sheikh was imminent and what he would be doing too
  15. This is exactly it. I have had a bellyfull. The amount of anger and arguments it has caused me too. Waiting for over a decade. It is what it is now and no point getting worked up about as it's just like banging your head off a wall. This summer has proven that beyond doubt. I think the correct stance is to not go to home games and just hope the club ticks over as well as it can until Ashley finally leaves
  16. So much anger. I couldn't keep carrying that level of resentment and anger. Feel better for it already. Ashley is going nowhere anytime soon. Boycotts/protests won't ever catch on enough and there will always be 45k plus turning up in the PL regardless. Accept that then act accordingly. I'm a armchair fan hoping they do ok so there is a club in a half decent state to go back to when Ashley leaves. Even though that could easily be 5 or 10 years at least.
  17. I went to a handful of single games in the late 90 and then had a shared season ticket 2001-2005. I went to about 50% of home and away games by just buying single tickets 2005-2013. Then 2013-2016 I didn't go to any as I'd had enough of Ashley. Rafa got me back in and I again went to about half of all home and away games 2016-2018. I haven't been to a match since Huddersfield at home 31st March 2018 and I won't until Ashley leaves.
  18. Yep. I'm expecting 48-50k easily. A boycott is just never ever going to work here. People just won't stop going regardless. Sooner I and everyone accepts that the easier life will be. The 3 signings worked a treat like Ashley knows how to play them Life is too short to get worked up hating people and wishing the club you support to lose. I'm out the burn it all down camp and I'm in the not going to any games until Ashley has gone but will just follow the results online camp. I hope we stay up mainly as them small time cunts down the road will be desperate for us to go down and anything that gives them pleasure I want the opposite. Especially as it would only be down to one man again and not a true reflection of NUFC
  19. Dubravka Darlow Willems Dummett Schar Lascellout Lejeune Fernandez Manquillo Hayden Ki Shelvey Longstaff Almiron Saint maxim Atsu Joelinton Muto Gayle Under a competent manager if they got rid of, Elliot, yedlin, Clark, Lazaar, ginger dog, Aarons and Murphy. Then got in a RB and another CM/no10 then that's pretty much a mid table squad
  20. Fitzgerald


    Aye there's a lot to laugh at with that small time lot but that's a great turnout to watch a load of league 1 level plodders
  21. Prepare yourself for 50k next Sunday. It's coming
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