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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. Na I live in Newcastle Keith
  2. Fitzgerald


    White hatchet/journeymen are loved in chickentown though
  3. 100% this all blows over by the end of the month at the latest.
  4. Quite a few of these arseholes popping up on Twitter too.......TwitchyToes and that c*** with the eyebrows. I'm sure they're club plants personally, there's something very odd about them. Aye it's Bishop like. Evening Keith you slimy Cunt
  5. Aye someone at work today asked me if I seen the hibs match, I was like no and I don't care and tried to explain the situation. He was just like " it's always been like that under Ashley man and we need to support the lads it's your team" I'm not even going home next weekend as I know my dad will be there getting behind Bruce and the boys. Fuck that. I need to avoid anything and anyone to do with it
  6. Exactly this. Utterly pointless
  7. Villa manager Dean Smith: "My ambition is to win every game we play. We want to compete in the Premier League." Compare that to the shit this patsy Cunt comes out with
  8. My most hated c*** on planet earth Nee wonder I feel fucking drained every day now carrying this much hate around for this grotesque fake Geordie mackem shithead snake Sickens me how he and his talking down of the club has been accepted
  9. Fitzgerald


    Imagine Bally as a club legend a white hatchetman
  10. Loki has been here ages like, and has always been sound as f***. Very much disagree with his points on Bruce here, but he's not one of those mentalists that'll back anything the manager/Ashley says Fair enough
  11. What a way to be man! Dreading the season starting, planning how you can avoid it all and hoping they get beat. All we want is to support a club that wants to compete and do well. And if they don't then that's life. Not this shit Can't be another set of fans in the country from the top 2 leagues going on like this? God imagine just having a club to support and looking forward to games
  12. Fitzgerald


    It's absolutely mental. Reid is a god to them and they talk about 7th place as the glory days. We achieved way more than that and played at the highest level of club football possible yet they act like it never happened Can't be another bunch like them for a lack of self awareness and delusion
  13. Fitzgerald


    I see the silly cunts wondering why Sir Bobby was a legend for us and they don't get what he did here to deserve such status! Well on the pitch alone he achieved 3 straight top 5 finishes and beating Juventus and Feyenoord in the champions league. Reid is a legend for getting them 7th ffs. Imagine the way they would be going on if they had beaten Barcelona and Juventus at the highest possible level. Absolute bitter weird inbred people they really are
  14. Fitzgerald


    your captain getting poached by ull He's absolutely fucking wank as well what are they thinking man
  15. Why are people saying messi for world player when it's announced in December based on last season
  16. loki679[/member] is definitely bishop like. That or he's the biggest super fan happy clapper going
  17. Go on Midds spot on that as well. FUCK YOU BRUCE
  18. Oliver McBurnie and Billy Sharp up front British steel! Dybala for Lukaku is fucking mental mind what are juventus thinking!?
  19. The day a well known lad was fighting on the pitch, got banned and then later got convicted of being a kiddy fiddler. Used to post on here. Dave? I know who you mean. Didn't know he used to post on here like. Under what name?
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