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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. Probably years after years of feeding and condoning Ashley when he should have been driven out a decade ago.
  2. We have one senior person an ex ticket office man :lol:
  3. godzilla[/member] will still believe but but the sheikh will do this the sheikh will do that
  4. Shows how determined Newcastle Utd are to get their main man. Credit has to be given to Ashley and co for spending big to get the man they see bringing back the glory days to Tyneside. LOL
  5. Bruce hope he gets dogs abuse too
  6. How are you not already Was Waiting in vain for a takeover. Stop it I'm in pain already :lol: :lol:
  7. Aye they will renew! One of us man the lads need our support
  8. Sat in an airport bar and I've just had some funny looks for bursting out laughing Steve Bruce :lol: :lol:
  9. Plus 50% of away games go to member and general sale anyhow. Last one I did was Arsenal away 2017 and I won't even be doing any aways again until that fat Cunt has gone. If he ever does
  10. It's extremely do-able to get tickets for majority of away games without a season ticket if you are on the ball and/or have a look around. Absolutely. I haven't had a season ticket since 2005 and I have been to about 60 away games since then. Plenty of people willing to help out with tickets and it gets them a loyalty point too
  11. It's the same as one of us winning the lottery and still working. He could retire with at least of hundreds of millions with a complete stress free life and go where he wants whenever he wants. Yet he would rather be despised, have his name dragged through the mud and still be working in his 50s all to try and make what is to him relative peanuts
  12. Fat cunt is a multi billionaire and he's still working trying to make a few quid more here and there. Shows how stupid and greedy he is all while pissing off an entire region
  13. I just can't stop thinking of and laughing at Darren Farleys impression of him with the kebab
  14. People like him is why the club is like it is
  15. Get in. About sums it all up
  16. Ah shows how much interest I show nowadays other than wishing the worst on Ashley
  17. Rancid club. Rotten to the very core
  18. So Arsenal have spent 80% of their reported transfer budget on 1 defender who they won't even have next season
  19. Edwards in taking in that Bishop pound big time
  20. Brucey: did someone say pasty :lol:
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