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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. No one really knows IMO, his reputation has mostly been built on being British and a former Man U player. Obviously his main credentials for being suitable for the Newcastle job is that he is a plastic Geordie.
  2. Too many dirty forrins to be messing about with tactics we want it fast and hard and British
  3. Amazing deal that 2 world class players plus 90m to put towards the bulk of a fee to have your pick of another world class player
  4. Fitzgerald


    Weird as f*** this. If he costs 36m plus wages and agents fee etc then surely he would have to be sold for 50- 55m to make even a few quid on him? Which is highly unlikely.
  5. Ah. Good news as they were my 2nd team now my first. Thanks mike
  6. I don't get this Lo Celso transfer for 70 odd million. Betis have just paid 22 million for him?!
  7. prefer Bruce tbf over that baby faced little cunt
  8. The captain coming out and spouting shit like that keeps people going and Ashley here People care and have been to soft which is why he is still here too. Fuck Ashley and anyone who defends him
  9. 'Great manager" does he f*** need to say that Exactly. This Cunt actually thinks Ashley is doing a good job
  10. He doesn't have to go the other way though and say bruce is a great manager and wonders why the fans have nothing positive to say Alongside Ashley, Bruce, bishop, Nolan, Shola, Rio and charnley for me
  11. Sickening quotes he doesn't get it at all like. Or even worse he does but chooses to peddle that bullshit as "mike" told him too. Captain cunt
  12. Thick as f*** this Ashley loving c*** BBC sport: Newcastle captain Jamaal Lascelles has called criticism of the club "frustrating", saying that players and fans must support new boss Steve Bruce. Some supporters have threatened to boycott the club after ex-Sunderland manager Bruce's appointment. "It is frustrating because [the reaction to news] is never positive, Lascelles said. We're always being told we're not good enough or we're not doing something right [as a club]. You need to look forward, we've got a great manager coming in and we need to remain positive."
  13. You fat corbridge bastard get out of our club
  14. Sky sports: We’ve been told Longstaff is excited at the prospect of Bruce taking charge, and is desperate to impress the new manager and become a Newcastle regular to progress his fledgling career
  15. Aye, that's what I said, daftie. Bruce should never ever be the manager of this club, but he is not the problem here. You sound like a massive Bruce sympathiser, probably happy Colback is back home and Shola too. True fan you. Jesus. And you're calling me a melt? Well exactly my point. Talking s**** and being purposely obtuse brings on that kind of response. Anyway, back on topic. I think Bruce should be getting nothing but s*** from the start. He has joined up to this s*** show fully well knowing the situation. Makes him no different to any of Ashley’s minions. It should never just be Ashley getting the abuse, these little scrotes that run around doing his bidding should get just as much s*** too. Non of them should feel like the are welcome or belong anywhere near here.
  16. Fitzgerald


    You don't belong here
  17. That cunt off Newcastle fans tv reckons there will be 45k excited fans as the Arsenal game the scab Cunt. On about giving Bruce a clean slate too. I know they are wankers but there are plenty more like them unfortunately
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