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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. :lol: perfect reference work
  2. You do know who/what Mike Ashley is don't you? One fat odious cretin He's mid 50s and a billionaire, how much more is he going to try and make and for how much longer. Just retire and enjoy your fortune you fat f***. You won, congratulations. Now f*** off
  3. How the hell can he still be owed money after the amount he has raked in!? What's Ashley's worth 1.6 billion or something? I just don't get all this extra hassle over 50m or so. It's fucking peanuts to him.
  4. Fitzgerald


    The league one messi
  5. f*** me no shaming these c***s https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/steve-bruce-transfers-strikers-signed-16580847
  6. The team needs us one is mental. Needs them for what!? To come 17th and keep Ashley on the gravy train and keep him here even longer. There's no hope or chance of progress and nothing to support. Selfish wankers
  7. Fitzgerald

    Graham Carr

    This sums up the entire situation. It's all well and good listing names of players who we could have had, but the reality is that these players would be half the players they are now with the management and coaching they'd have received with us at the time. The second issue is that even if we do uncover a gem and sell for big money, the money isn't reinvested so the whole thing becomes moot. Our only joy is to have an opportunity to see the odd decent player. There is absolutely zero chance that we become a Dortmund or RB Leipzig or even Spurs, which is what I believe those who are open to this idea are hoping for. The underlying issues at the club are still the exact same, it's just been repackaged/rebranded. The saddest thing is that is that a large number of fans will buy this and some of the comments in this thread are testament to that. Exactly. They already tried this exact same thing with mclaren and look what happened there. Signing midfielders to try and make money off when we had Williamson and Taylor at the back and no goalscorer. Morons Scary to think that 2006/7 we were on a par with Spurs if not slightly ahead as we had been top 4 for a few years just before that. They went on to sign Modric and Bale etc and we just made a right hash of it
  8. https://www.spurs-web.com/spurs-news/spurs-linked-with-12million-move-for-newcastle-united-first-teamer/ 12m, double that and it's the starting bid. Also no surprise we have constantly been linked to keepers. They had planned to cash in on Dubravka since January. What so Ashley pockets more? Hope they go for as low as possible
  9. I hate that fat manure mackem wanker too
  10. What an evil greedy fat c*** Have 1.8 billion and not be hated Or 1.7 billion and be despised by thousands and have your name in the dirt daily 50/60m is nowt to him just sell up and f*** off you fat f***. One man I don't mind wishing ill of
  11. Get fucked Bruce man nobody wants you here
  12. Big Mick thinks Ashley and his rabble are a pack of b******s iirc. Big mick has always knew the score like
  13. Hopefully good old gibbo has had a word.
  14. Price tag? I'd want 30 million Nowt hopefully otherwise it's 30m more for big mike
  15. Or takes us back to Europe. Imagine the meltdown as they languish in league 1
  16. If the 23k figure for season tickets is correct, and I've no reason to doubt it is, the crowd will be around 30k I would have thought. Can't see them selling more season tickets on the back of appointing Steve Bruce as Rafa Benitez replacement, if anything there'll be more cancellations than season tickets sold from here on in, then add on 3k Arsenal fans and a couple of thousand idiots buying on general sale they'll be lucky to hit 30k. That would be amazing but I'd be shocked if it's under 45k. People can't help themselves
  17. Heady days in Lisbon. Yep life under the king weren't so bad
  18. Not that he would anyway and nor should he. I doubt sky are telling him to tweet how much he loves Dennis Wise, a convicted criminal, who actively and willingly destroyed our club and a legend. He’s a f***ing prick and he knows exactly what he’s doing, you don’t see Mike Wedderburn lauding people City fans hate do you? Edit: see above. Loves the club does our Pete What a wanker
  19. Then burn the ashes. Then have Keith Richards snort them :lol: Then burn Keith Richards :lol: :lol: steve Bruce man I've just burst out laughing again over it for about the 500th time
  20. He looked really ill last year or so too due to all the things in his personal life then he had time out and looked well again. Dunno why he'd want to put himself through all this grief and make himself ill again
  21. More likely to get made admin than banned.
  22. There will be money spent on new signings and after a rocky start home wins in October and November will be wildly celebrated in front of crowds of around 50k and everything will just carry on ticking over unfortunately
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