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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. Is that just season ticket seats available or all the seats available in general? Have we any info to suggest a estimate for Arsenal?
  2. I've been noticing that I've been feeling totally drained these last few days. I think it's the anger I have towards the 2 fat odious slugs
  3. I'd rather have Sterling. The 2 players I'd most be scared of not having are Salah and Aguero. Both are capable of a hat trick at any time
  4. It's as hard as ever to make a squad. Lesson I learned from last year is make sure you have a squad and not just a good 11 and to have way more patience and faith. I reckon Laporte is a must have. Ederson, Laporte, Van dijk, Alexander Arnold and Aguero are my my must haves. I think it's best to invest heavy in defence and attack as then there are still good budget options in midfield like Fraser, Zaha, Tielemans to name a few. The only issue then is surely need one of Salah or Sterling in. De Bruyne looks great value at 9.5 as well he will have a big season if he's fit
  5. Grim. Honest he's going to get applauded in the dugout and accepted. Probably be singing his name when we scrape our first 3 points in November. Clubs fucked and follows by morons
  6. God I forgot about him for a few hours I hate that cunt
  7. Fitzgerald


    Fuck him and fuck Bruce too
  8. Hopefully. Don't know who that is but anyone over that slug Bruce man
  9. They hate us and we hate them
  10. Fitzgerald


    Who cares with that fat mess Bruce at the wheel
  11. Let me know so I can join in too. Hate the cunt
  12. Steve Bruce head coach :anguish:
  13. That and the toxic social media response has me dreaming of 30 odd thousand v Arsenal
  14. Get out of our club! It's his fake Newcastle fan image that annoys me too. He doesn't and never has gave a fuck about NUFC
  15. He's not like. Mclaren has won trophies and had a reputation as a good coach at least. Bruce is just a fat horrible snake Wish I could go to the Arsenal game just to get a seat near the dugout and abuse the horrible c*** all game
  16. I'm assuming last season season tickets sold out? So that's 11,000 plus who haven't renewed then? Factor in about 3/4K less buying single tickets on general sale then we should be around 38k for Arsenal?
  17. Steve Bruce man fucking hell. If it's not enough having a fat odious snake in charge we now have one in the dugout too. Hate the pair of them equally
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