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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. May i direct you to my profile photo to help with that
  2. I'm fucking exhausted over it
  3. What a shock. League 1 level players playing poorly who'd have thought it
  4. It's a good appointment in that sense but it just makes us look so tatty and small time to the rest of the country. I know that we are under Ashley but at least Benitez made us a credible club to be respected. Imagine klopp and guardiola etc rocking up to a the sports direct arena with Steve Bruce in the dugout man
  5. I've just burst out laughing, Rafa to steve Bruce :lol:
  6. Wank both of them. Disgrace how the likes of them lazaar Aarons and that ginger dog are in our team. Aarons couldn't even do out in the Czech league could he ffs. Rotten
  7. Fitzgerald


    Good. Sounds perfect to help the destruction of sports direct fc. Hopefully he costs 36m then gets injured for 2 years
  8. Ha ha get in. Hairy handed Cunt
  9. The players have definitely wrapped their tits in like and who can blame them
  10. Darlow Dummett Clark Lascelles Ritchie Hayden Longstaff Shelvey Aarons Gayle Carroll British 4 4 fucking 2
  11. Fitzgerald


    Fuck him and fuck Bruce too
  12. Lazaar, Aarons, colback etc all league 1 shite. Unbelievable. what a mess. Fuck I hate this club
  13. Yeah lifting comments them. He needs more grief then he gets too he's part of Ashley's gang
  14. Nolan:If there’s anyone who can do it, if there is a local lad who understands what the fans and club are about it is someone like Steve Bruce. Fuck off kevin you wanker
  15. I hate the fat snake. Makes hating the club easier
  16. Lifting strip for a lifting club
  17. lowest attendance for opening home game of the seaon for how many years? 10
  18. That would still be far too many but I'd be happy with that. It would be a really solid start. Hopefully no money spent and a few defeats then against teams that only bring 1k away supports we could be looking at below 33k by winter time.
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