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Joey Linton

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Everything posted by Joey Linton

  1. Particularly given their manager had a pop at them before the draw.
  2. It gets worse...... "Women have deliberately thrown away some of the biggest advantages they had by accepting and exaggerating the whole equality/Girl Power/ladette culture. Being slutty and mouthy is fine as long as you accept that for every action there's an equal and possibly unpleasant reaction ..." What's even worse is when you look people have had posts deleted for disagreeing.
  3. https://www.not606.com/threads/women-having-drinks-spiked.396530/ Lovely bunch.
  4. The press (directly or indirectly) install a new favourite every few days to keep the story turning over, because their previous pick from the start of the week hasn't been appointed.
  5. Still livid about Dickman too.
  6. I guess when he has provided the promised detailed update on Hurst's return to the Trust once he's finished work - two weeks ago now.
  7. I see that latest lad they rave about has signed a new deal. Didn't look like he stood out at all the other night.
  8. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/everyone-one-else-left-in-the-league-cup-wants-to-play-us.1563241/
  9. Just the 400 posts on how not bothered they are about Dickman joining our staff.
  10. Linesman tonight must be a Massive Lads Fan rather than a mag.
  11. Just have to try and stay A W A K E.
  12. You could be part of that as an extra Joey. The four amigos / fab four. We could do t shirts and everything. Subject to completion of a Trust risk assessment of course.
  13. Against the backdrop of him being completely hoodwinked by The Don and Charlie.
  14. He's pointing out where Swiss Ramble could improve now.
  15. Good to see the Grumpy bloke giving out instructions on how to do it rather than do it himself.
  16. Over 350 posts on the thread about the "mag ref" they had at the weekend. Wanting an FA enquiry.
  17. Great news. I have one account on here. How do you think Solskjaer is doing?
  18. @Kaizerowill be along in a bit to say Solskjaer is doing the best he can with what he's got and that Liverpool today reminded him of Greece's euro winning side.
  19. Had hoped Keith might disappear into the background again. More fool me.
  20. Not racist or culturally inappropriate, just makes the separation issue (see what i did there) between the owners and the fanbase harder to argue.
  21. Our fanbase shouldn't be parading themselves around in tea towels and waving Saudi flags when we score. That would make the "zero control over" argument easier to make.
  22. Yeah. The minute you try and defend the owners over their record is when you take the first step towards being complicit in "sports washing" yourself.
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