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Joey Linton

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Everything posted by Joey Linton

  1. Clearing Ashley's loans and giving the club a clean slate maybe?
  2. You can just imagine how your average third division footballer responds to him.
  3. They seem to have a new individual thread for each and every one of their players tonight blaming them for the result and being shite.
  4. With people on here having been willing to play the role of Rio Ferdinand, Martin Samuel and Simon Jordan and shoot down any criticism just because they know the people involved.
  5. Was £40k after 48 hours too which Greg said on here was in the majority of cases monthly pledges. That was the start of April, some 8 months ago.
  6. Joey Linton


    A bit like Martinez. He gets accused of underachieving but Southgate never seems to.
  7. Agree with you on this. Edit : which I'm sure is the confirmation you were desperate for.
  8. Joey Linton

    Joe Willock

    Won't be fit obviously, but looked rusty. One thing we do know is he can get goals which could be massive for us.
  9. Darlow has been an absolute disaster here. Would honestly take him off at half time.
  10. Imagine if he's caught it off that Pearson kid
  11. Please let it be "Grumps" ffs
  12. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/john-carver-safe-pair-hands-8361416.amp Subject of one of the worst articles ever written when he was appointed.
  13. There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of that.
  14. Janmaat, Owen and Duff. Three players who would give everything they had to see us safe.
  15. It's not even because of the retweet though is it? He makes similar accusations in his own tweet.
  16. Was that the home game when he then instantly wiped someone out and got booked?
  17. I see the expert on everything is claiming there may have been "more" companies house rule breaches.
  18. Joey Linton


    I don't ever see him being effective enough in any position. If we had paid £4m for him he'd have been nowhere near the first team by now.
  19. They don't appear to be taking the return of Charlie Methven very well at all.
  20. They'd promise that, then when you got there they'd all just be sitting writing letters to each other.
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