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Joey Linton

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Everything posted by Joey Linton

  1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nufcblog.com/2015/10/27/telegraph-forced-to-issue-an-apology/amp/ Reminder of exactly the sort of person he is.
  2. Bloke whose job it is to report the news continues to want to be the news. Get a few things off his chest ffs.
  3. Over 5,000 posts on it since it started having shut down the original one with just short of 20,000 posts.
  4. Aye bit we got paid for it. Paid for Brucey though so it's swings and roundabouts.
  5. He's going to do it with dignity though, so it's OK.
  6. Five things we learned from the window cleaner.
  7. Wonder how many posts he's had in the two takeover threads so far. I bet it's in the late 100s.
  8. He's absolutely clueless though. Praised and continued to defend Donald and Methven when all their other fans could see exactly what was happening there.
  9. I'd be interested to hear which bits of it he specifically thinks are inaccurate.
  10. Would be brilliant if they opted not to print it now.
  11. Edwards was telling us at the start of last week that Bruce said he would be sacked, then by Friday Bruce was picking fights with the press for saying the exact same thing.
  12. Hadn't realised he'd deleted the tweet. Imagine being a 37 year old bloke and getting told off by your dad for what you tweet.
  13. Good to see the whole family maintaining their dignity.
  14. Look mate, I'm the worst Joe on here. If you're going to try and take over then we're going to have a problem. Ok?
  15. Saying a lot of the players have been here a long time as a criticism when it's his own signings like Hendrick, Lewis and Fraser sitting on the bench because they have been even worse.
  16. Can't get enough of him saying the same things week after week then it looking like they haven't worked on any of them every weekend.
  17. Nah. Big win today, then sacked tomorrow please.
  18. Only issue is if he was 20 years younger and was offered the manager's job by a club who had been taken over by the same Saudi regime he would 100% take it. That's not a criticism, but it's very much the problem.
  19. Don't think i could name a single one of their players. Sure I might recognise a few names if you gave me a list, but off the top of my head i couldn't tell you anyone who plays for them.
  20. Brentford are willing to go toe to toe with anyone. The exact opposite of a Bruce set up. He went to Sheffield United petrified last year.
  21. Right decision. Long may it continue.
  22. Unwanted distraction of their own game out of the way, back to the top of the forum our thread goes. #ftm
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