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Joey Linton

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Everything posted by Joey Linton

  1. Well they are definitely getting their sports washing from a couple of posters over the last half a dozen pages or so. Pretty disappointing stuff.
  2. Was the intention only ever to hand the money over to Ashley then? I'm confused. Granted, it doesn't take much.
  3. The speed at which they've switched from "The mags only like rafa because he's a big name and he won stuff at other clubs" to "Can't believe they think Howe is a good appointment, he's achieved nothing" is impressive, even for them.
  4. It's like being back at primary school, where even the losers get a prize so everyone wins something and no one feels left out.
  5. "mackemed" in 2018 claiming Danny Cowley "massively talented like Eddie Howe" https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/danny-cowley.1428817/#post-27494529 "mackemed" in 2021 claiming Howe is "not much of an upgrade on Bruce" https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/all-nufc-and-sportwashing-stuff-in-here-threads-will-be-merged.1562234/page-716#post-34911052
  6. "Rocky" in 2017 defending Howe against accusations he isn't doing a good job because he doesn't pick some of their expensive players and claiming hes definitely doing a good job. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/plucky-little-bournemouth.1374879/#post-25743492 "Rocky" in 2021 claiming Howe won't do a good job because his big signings are failures. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/all-nufc-and-sportwashing-stuff-in-here-threads-will-be-merged.1562234/post-34911902
  7. The thing is up until a month ago if you searched the name Howe on there you'd find posts from whenever they've recently sacked a manager saying he's absolutely the sort they should be ambitiously going for. Guaranteed the same noisy posters on that thread now think he's a terrible appointment. If I've got an hour spare one weekend I might sign up and do some searching for a laugh.
  8. Exactly the same. There's an actual plan to try and be better now, other than being content with drifting along.
  9. Especially when it turned out the expert egging them all on to email companies house instead of him doing it had it wrong about the deadlines.
  10. Looking at those photos Simon Bird tweeted there's absolutely no chance there are 7,000 people there.
  11. Have they announced it yet? It's not on their website, the BBC or Sky?
  12. Farke sacked. Yet had the takeover not happened here and the last three results been the same Bruce would've still been as safe as houses.
  13. 4 subs at half time from Brent. They are raging.
  14. Assume their players have been unsettled by the uncertainty over our managerial appointment like their fans clearly have.
  15. Just need to trust the process a bit more.
  16. Double time available at Nissan marra.
  17. Over 1,000 posts on "our" thread in 24 hours again. By comparison there are only three other threads on the front page that have over 300 posts IN TOTAL. One of them started on Tuesday, one in July 2021 and one in May 2020.
  18. Bad news everyone. Their resident financial wizard isn't convinced by yesterday's filings.
  19. The two Steves there stand a good chance of us employing them.
  20. Made his own rules up so he could say we broke them.
  21. I'm starting to think we all could be.
  22. Has Grumpy Old Twat said its been done wrong yet? Edit : If your PSC information changes You must record any changes to your PSC information in your company’s PSC register, such as a change of personal details or nature of control. You must do this within 14 days of the change. You must send these changes to Companies House within a further 14 days. It’s easier to do this online. So they had 28 days to file it and he was talking shite anyway? What an idiot if that's the case. He's spent the last fortnight saying he's never known this happen in his entire career.
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