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Joey Linton

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Everything posted by Joey Linton

  1. As i said a while back, I still don't understand why it's necessarily being wound up just because Ashley is gone? Was the plan only that the money would go to buy shares from him specifically? With the press attention the takeover has generated about the conduct of Saudi Arabia and MBS surely it's no less important to the Trust that the fans have a say on what's happening and how that conduct reflects on the club and the fanbase? Unless of course this is just the relatively easy route out, rather than acknowledge that it was a pie in the sky, terrible project from the start on which way too much resource has been wasted already. That and the fact that the change in ownership has potentially brought a far easier route for some of those involved to get their feet under the table / seat in a box by just being on the Trust Board. Obviously I'm just thinking out loud here, asking rhetorical questions. I get that none of this will get answered because that's simply not what they do.
  2. There's a suggestion on that thread that they got a companies house filing wrong too.
  3. Kate had his ticket for that one I think.
  4. "it's Monday tomorrow" "you could well be right marra, but I think I'll wait for Grumps to confirm first"
  5. He'd be better off spending his time brushing up on the companies house rules he incorrectly thought we'd broken.
  6. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/all-nufc-and-sportwashing-stuff-in-here-threads-will-be-merged.1562234/page-841#post-34942027 The PhD is getting another airing.
  7. Apart from the two of them doing their interview with the Athletic obviously. Edit : And writing that god awful letter to "His Excellency". Edit again : and replaced Heron with Hurst.
  8. You have the option to if you have so many international call ups. To answer your next question, nope, no idea.
  9. Hasn't even bought Grumpy Owld Twat a beer yet, which is what he'll ultimately be judged on. That and saying some snide stuff about us obviously. They proper loved Methven for that at the time.
  10. They get a lot of stick for stuff that they did do as well. 3 years wasted planning the pledge for example.
  11. https://www.monaco-tribune.com/en/2021/11/as-monaco-juan-sartori-joins-board-of-directors/ Oh deeya
  12. Mags have no moral compass, willing to overlook anything for a bigger transfer spend. https://goal.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/01/sunderlands-deal-raises-eyebrows/
  13. Great post. Anyone with any doubt about why those involved are involved only need to read that piece they did with The Athletic a few weeks ago.
  14. "Mag in a philosophical dilemma"
  15. Joey Linton


    I'd pick Rice over Phillips every time. If you're looking for a reason England looked better balanced in midfield though, it was the fact that Mount wasn't there. A lot of the selfless stuff Sterling does goes unnoticed too. No better example of that than the space we had first half as a result of his movement. I don't think you get that from Grealish or Saka.
  16. The thinking man's Exile is at it again with the son's PhD analysis. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/all-nufc-and-sportwashing-stuff-in-here-threads-will-be-merged.1562234/page-796#post-34931065
  17. Joey Linton


    Albania have been dreadful, but England look so much better without the insistence on everything being about Grealish. And I've been impressed with him at Man City.
  18. Joey Linton


    He's going to have to come back to the premier league to get a game for England, isn't he? So narrow minded.
  19. Not sure any of those examples are worse than being a tory.
  20. Every mackem knows someone who knows someone who worked on Shearer's house.
  21. Can we do that "co opt" thing and get him in straight away?
  22. The bloke got chopped up mate. I feel fairly confident in my belief of that being unacceptable, regardless of whether or not I have your vast array of political knowledge.
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