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Everything posted by OpenC

  1. That Times tweet seems to me to be deliberately provocative in pointing out that the PL are basically allowing themselves to be pushed around by one of their partners. Not sure why, and a tweet doesn't leave much room for subtlety of expression or nuance so maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see
  2. Somebody at the PL is going to have to grow a pair and tell Qatar that they're a long way past the remit of their fucking television deal, like
  3. How the fuck does a dentist know so much.... Wondered that myself There's only so much gossip you can get from your client if you're a dentist, like
  4. I can't see any image associated with this tweet because I'm at work, but if I had sent it it'd be a picture of either Richard Keys or Mike Ashley
  5. If it's legit I feel bad for the American who will be reviled as a second rate chancer by a significant proportion of the fanbase only because he came in after Being Owned By The Richest People In The World could have been a thing I reckon we'd have given him a run (if he can afford it, like) if Saudi Arabia were never in the frame
  6. Wew, Saudi Arabia were just a stalking horse all along. This American lad has got some pull
  7. Should have made clear that I agree with this really, I'm not personally clamouring for handicapping and a level playing field. Practically I don't see a significant difference between state ownership and ultra rich private ownership but if investment concerns people then FFP is one way to address it
  8. Other clubs would definitely whinge, just like they and we have in the past about Chelsea and Citeh. I know what you're saying but ultimately whether it's Saudi Arabia or Google that are buying a club, the ones who aren't bought are going to moan. Needs properly implemented FFP to make it less of an issue.
  9. The same unfair advantage that any other clubs that got rich solely through investment have enjoyed for the last couple of decades?
  10. Yeah, that's how I read the limited bits that have come out Not so much about the piracy as the lack of response to the piracy
  11. Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/jun/16/newcastle-takeover-latest-saudi-arabia-tv-piracy-ruling-released-by-wto-premier-league-pressure
  12. And if I was Barclays' lawyer I would argue that Roan has a vested interest in Staveley winning her case since there's an inference that her not insignificant role in the takeover is predicated on it Nah, I agree with you, I just can't believe that such a senior journalist would do something so stupid. I assume the stream is surrounded by disclaimers to say "no screenshotting, no videos" like they usually are?
  13. Anything visible in a screenshot is unlikely to prejudice the case. First of all it's not a jury situation and secondly there is no real details visible (i.e. you can't see anything more than the people involved and the room they are in). The journalist may be slapped with a contempt charge. No, the prejudice argument would arise from either party arguing that Roan has an agenda and is potentially denying a fair trial with his intervention. I have no idea what he tweeted like, I'm at work
  14. That was a canny witless thing to do like Might get thrown out for prejudice now
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