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Everything posted by OpenC

  1. I'm not holding out any false hope, but for me what happened yesterday was very much option 1 and a strongly worded statement. It is the nuclear option, of course, and will conclude the process one way or another (and quite possibly already has).
  2. Woke up to Boris sat at the end of his bed in the half light, smoking a tab and telling him to stop making the UK look weak
  3. Disappointed but not entirely surprised that the national press don't seem to feel the PL have some explaining to do
  4. OpenC


    Well put precisely this
  5. So, IF the above is true then Ashley must be raging at the PL for costing him £300m no? I can't believe that Ashley would sink a £300m sale by pissing about at the eleventh hour, like. Something in this for me, I reckon he'll be fucking furious how it's worked out.
  6. Fucking hell, caulkin's reputation hasn't been dead six hours and somebody has stepped up?
  7. OpenC


    All you need to know about their new signing is that they can cobble together four facts to have a pop at an erstwhile local rival and are not interested in telling you anything about him as a player He must be so proud to have signed for a classy club that's obviously got its priorities straight
  8. Nah fuck that, roll the dice with this fake yank imo. If he's no money it'll go tits faster than under Ashley, if he's not totally useless we'll be in a better place. if PIF had never been a thing we would have given him a go I reckon
  9. OpenC


    How I wish we were languishing in the third tier signing folk who had just been released by Millwall
  10. http://tse3.mm.bing.net/th/id/OIP.FgaWbhW5w6oRnmMe7RDyoQHaF5?pid=Api&rs=1
  11. I don't think Ashley is that stupid, like. £300m now or a hypothetical extra £50m which might not get through and would fuck the original offer if it didn't? I know he has a reputation as a gambler but I don't think he's in a position to try that sort of thing.
  12. How do they swat the Saudis aside by propping up another bid that won't get through? ** edit Just seen last line fair enough, I'm not convinced but it's not beyond the realms of possibility
  13. that hard/soft thing is all about the sugar/flour ratio, shouldn't take much clearing up
  14. Seemingly from his own twitter account He posted more than just that the holdup was not the PL? I must have missed it, read somebody posting that some random was blaming ashley and instantly that was the forum focus. Fair enough if it's from our man GM.
  15. Where did the Mike Ashley bit come from? Just twitter shite? Not from the estimable golfmag?
  16. Ah, man. That's a fantastic post, it really opens up the speculative possibilities.
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