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Everything posted by OpenC

  1. Wouldn't bother me tbh, long as he was nowhere near the football
  2. Yeah, probably I saw him in that light at the end of his stay rather than the start. I never saw any potential greatness in him, though, I will confess
  3. I still find it difficult to reconcile the position that 2020 James Milner is in with the bloke who played for us. I just saw him as symptomatic of the direction of travel for Newcastle at the time, a slow and flair-free plodder. Don't watch a lot of football any more and I've never been one for watching games that don't involve us so I don't really know how he's developed but he's clearly doing something right these days
  4. Shields Gazette have been at the front of the pack from the start of the thread, like
  5. To be fair to the doubters, I'm pretty sure we've been hearing Within A Week for about a month at least I still believe, though
  6. Clooney and Pitt weighing in on sportswashing and telling us to be careful what we wish for
  7. Always felt like the Hollywood Reporter would get the scoop in the end
  8. Oh aye, appreciate that Don't know why I wrote it like that tbh. I just don't know why we're drawing a distinction between unofficial shite posted on what appears to be a Saudi fanboy site and unofficial shite posted on twitter It's all unofficial shite at this point
  9. Well that's OK then, because we're 100% in the market for any news relating to the Royal Family
  10. It's obviously not an official news outlet for KSA but whoever is running that site has gone to an awful lot of bother if all they were after was trolling us on here
  11. Charnley is behind all the leaks himself, he's gone full General Hux Sorry for Star Wars spoilers
  12. There are few things more exciting at the minute than seeing a link to a sky sports tweet in tapatalk tbh even when they turn out not to say It's Done
  13. Do they just show loads of old PL games or are they literally just showing our games?
  14. I can hear them snorting and harrumphing from 40 miles away
  15. Beautiful I'm coming over all emotional, like a victorian matriarch
  16. but what if we and marseille are in the champions league final, there'll be undue influence
  17. Way of the world these days, alas, folk taking offence on other folks' behalf.. but that's been a pretty inglorious episode start to finish like
  18. christ, that's the sort of PR disaster which there's sometimes no coming back from
  19. Rare sighting of Penn in public yesterday http://tse2.mm.bing.net/th/id/OIP.UGtJgtQZXNNqglLcSyqwKQHaJ1?pid=Api&rs=1 only kidding Penn, your well-spaced and gloomy interjections really add something to this thread
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