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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. As everyone has pointed out in the replies, Highland Geordie didn't report anything. He just rehashed what Keith had said three weeks earlier. Potential Burnsie account. It’s more the shields gazette content I was highlighting.
  2. Keep the faith mate all is not lost. https://twitter.com/5yntax_Err0r/status/1358553392604467201?s=20
  3. Movement in Middle East is what we’re waiting for.
  4. He also said he’s currently doing work for Al Jezera. To be honest I also think he speaks well and probably has contacts. However, there’s some dubious things that have come to light with the BBC and Andrew Musgrove pulling an article at the Chronicle due to it being factually incorrect. His stuffs interesting to read but not sure he knows as much as he tries to put across. When explaining something he tends to have this habit of covering all bases as Steve Hastie recently commented on.
  5. The final word on the subject, Keith agrees with Jackie Broon and so do I sleep well folks !
  6. I’m not sure they really care about who runs the club day to day, it’s all about linking the state to piracy. Once piracy is no longer an issue, we’ll find out if they’re prepared to fight a legal case based on separation. Allegedly they didn’t seek any outside legal advice in relation to this matter, and it’s worth bearing in mind other ownership models in the PL have dubious ownership structures in place.
  7. It’s probably a bit tongue in cheek from Slater, however it certainly can’t be a bad thing. The big thing for us is Bein being reinstated, WTO appeal and Bein legal case against Saudi’s being dropped.
  8. Those dots just keep joining, let’s hope his ankle doesn’t drop off.
  9. What the same person who was barred by the BBC and even the Chronicle took down a piece from him last year as they found it to be incorrect. Nope I'll give that one a miss thanks. I said interesting, i wouldn’t believe a word that comes out his mouth either. I’m just interested to see how he comes across in person more than anything, especially after reading his tweets on the subject for nearly a year.
  10. This has the potential to be interesting for a Monday night.
  11. Don’t understand why he could have ASM, Miggy and Fraser behind Wilson and opts not to. This would be my formation with 2 holding players in midfield, Shelvey wouldn’t get a look in for me either.
  12. But he’s never had the chance to play Fraser and ASM together in the same team.
  13. I was to young to care I just remember the first game against Bristol City, he was like the pied piper everyone just flocked back. Remember speaking to lads from Carlisle who hadn’t been in years in the pub before, if there were doubts I certainly can’t remember. In saying that until Kelly v Portsmouth it was looking very grim, and it certainly wasn’t plain sailing to stop up that season.
  14. Just about to post this Jinky, more assurance PIF are still just waiting for that green light ? Very good ??
  15. Ossie’s team at Swindon played great football, I’ll always remember a midweek game under Jim Smith when we we’re going for promotion and the football was tremendous. I think the right back was David Kerslake at the time and he must have been the best attacking full back in the division. I think Keegan tried to sign him at one point, him and Beresford as full backs would have been very entertaining.
  16. Oh how i’d love to see this headline again with Ossie replaced by Bruce ! If we lose today hopefully for McClaren v Bournemouth, we’ll read Bruce v Southampton in the days to come.
  17. Just about to post this Jinky, more assurance PIF are still just waiting for that green light ?
  18. Unfortunately Yorkie what may be tedious to some is interesting to others, no one is forcing you to read it. Like it or not this bloke has a legal action pending with the PL, the PL will not want some information disclosed into the public domain, and thereby his action is a very real threat to them. So whether you think he is central to all this or a peripheral figure, any bits of info from someone in contact with buyer and seller is useful at this point. Jesus man, all Yorkie said was that it’s tedious people keep talking about him, meaning he’s sick of people arguing if what he says and does is good or bad. For what it’s worth I believe the people in the tweets are just pointing out something a lot of people will be thinking. The guy is spending a lot of money on legal action. Ok he might be able to afford it, but unless he’s a multimillionaire in which case he’s be in the top 1% of the countries earners, losing up to £500k is a blow that he would be effected by. £50k (which is how much he has spent so far) to many of us is a hell of a lot of money. He’s up against the Premier League who themselves are multi-billion pound organisation who will likely have the backing of 6 other billionaires who would be happy to go toe toe with him financially in order to prevent the takeover of they so wished. Are they right in warning him about losing his money? Aye. You keep saying would you say that in the pub to him if you can? Aye I would, I’d explain it to him that he could lose that money. Ultimately it’s his choice to take that advice, but if he turned around and swung a punch at me for saying it, like you keep suggestion, then everyone in the pub would think that he would be the w***** for doing so. Also, his attitude about how he has put his money in his pockets and he can afford it etc in his latest tweets is very condescending. Aye ok he seems to be in a place where he can afford it, and apparently through his hard graft, but a lot more people would do similar if they had the money. As I have pointed out in the past, plenty of members both on here and elsewhere have put a lot of money into efforts to shift Ashley, their losses aren’t published, so it’s not like others already haven’t. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, if he can easily afford this £50k he’s currently spent and can afford and is willing to spend £500k, why did he initially put the begging bowl out? You can’t put the begging bowl out, get stood up, then say it doesn’t matter because you are rich as f*** in anyway. It comes across as the condescending act he’s portrayed in terms of flirting his his wealth and costs. As far as I’m aware that was the wor fund group, it was only after that folded did Keith and Gordon Stein get involved. He’s since explained that if he’d been able to link season ticket holders to his action, then his legal advice is that is would already have got to court. Let’s bear in mind Robert O’Donoghue is one of the very best QC’s in relation to competition law so should know what he’s talking about. I don’t doubt others have made sacrifices in other ways, certainly people like Greg from NUST give up their own time freely. However, in my eyes this guy and Gordon Stein stand alone in the level of personal and financial risk they have exposed themselves to. I can only speak for myself, but even if i was a millionaire I doubt I would take on board this level of risk. I’m not saying that you would but a lot of people would. If I had won the Euro’s last night a year ago before this bid came about, I’d be chucking in my 10%. If I had a job or successful business where I could take legal action like this I probably would. The point is he comes across as condescending in the way he say he can afford this then ask why another’s aren’t putting their money in. Plenty have and few of us can to the level he can. It doesn’t make him any more or less of a supporter than others. That and jibes about you can’t support the club unless you are from the area are condensing, especially when he himself comes from an area where there is equal argument for him to be supporting Sunderland based on location. Just this last week I’ve had a private conversation with someone who is born and raised in the USA who wants to come over and drop a few grand buying a box for 1 game to go to the match with his family and some friends from here. Is he any less a fan? The point is, you are allowed and can separate what he’s done from what he says and how he comes across. People asking questions and expressing concern is no reason for those supports and others by proxy to be belittled by him. What he has done = Great, I’ll buy him a pint anytime I’ll see him. What he has said = Not great, very conferencing, when having said pint I’d respectfully explain that. He strikes me as the type of bloke who would gladly have a pint with you mate, as I’ve said before he’s an old timer and maybe he hasn’t played social media well. But many who watched his podcast will confirm that he didn’t say others from outside the area shouldn’t support the club, that was very much twisted out of context. We can all say we’d do this and do that. However, why hasn’t anybody else if that is the case ? I’m sure we have other wealthy individuals who support us, or groups who could have clubbed together. The fact is they haven’t and for that himself and Gordon Stein stand alone in my opinion.
  19. Unfortunately Yorkie what may be tedious to some is interesting to others, no one is forcing you to read it. Like it or not this bloke has a legal action pending with the PL, the PL will not want some information disclosed into the public domain, and thereby his action is a very real threat to them. So whether you think he is central to all this or a peripheral figure, any bits of info from someone in contact with buyer and seller is useful at this point. Jesus man, all Yorkie said was that it’s tedious people keep talking about him, meaning he’s sick of people arguing if what he says and does is good or bad. For what it’s worth I believe the people in the tweets are just pointing out something a lot of people will be thinking. The guy is spending a lot of money on legal action. Ok he might be able to afford it, but unless he’s a multimillionaire in which case he’s be in the top 1% of the countries earners, losing up to £500k is a blow that he would be effected by. £50k (which is how much he has spent so far) to many of us is a hell of a lot of money. He’s up against the Premier League who themselves are multi-billion pound organisation who will likely have the backing of 6 other billionaires who would be happy to go toe toe with him financially in order to prevent the takeover of they so wished. Are they right in warning him about losing his money? Aye. You keep saying would you say that in the pub to him if you can? Aye I would, I’d explain it to him that he could lose that money. Ultimately it’s his choice to take that advice, but if he turned around and swung a punch at me for saying it, like you keep suggestion, then everyone in the pub would think that he would be the w***** for doing so. Also, his attitude about how he has put his money in his pockets and he can afford it etc in his latest tweets is very condescending. Aye ok he seems to be in a place where he can afford it, and apparently through his hard graft, but a lot more people would do similar if they had the money. As I have pointed out in the past, plenty of members both on here and elsewhere have put a lot of money into efforts to shift Ashley, their losses aren’t published, so it’s not like others already haven’t. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, if he can easily afford this £50k he’s currently spent and can afford and is willing to spend £500k, why did he initially put the begging bowl out? You can’t put the begging bowl out, get stood up, then say it doesn’t matter because you are rich as f*** in anyway. It comes across as the condescending act he’s portrayed in terms of flirting his his wealth and costs. As far as I’m aware that was the wor fund group, it was only after that folded did Keith and Gordon Stein get involved. He’s since explained that if he’d been able to link season ticket holders to his action, then his legal advice is that it would already have got to court. Let’s bear in mind Robert O’Donoghue is one of the very best QC’s in relation to competition law so should know what he’s talking about. I don’t doubt others have made sacrifices in other ways, certainly people like Greg from NUST give up their own time freely. However, in my eyes this guy and Gordon Stein stand alone in the level of personal and financial risk they have exposed themselves to. I can only speak for myself, but even if i was a millionaire I doubt I would take on board this level of risk.
  20. Because it’s relevant, here’s another one for you my friend saying you can’t keep away.
  21. Unfortunately Yorkie what may be tedious to some is interesting to others, no one is forcing you to read it. Like it or not this bloke has a legal action pending with the PL, the PL will not want some information disclosed into the public domain, and thereby his action is a very real threat to them. So whether you think he is central to all this or a peripheral figure, any bits of info from someone in contact with buyer and seller is useful at this point.
  22. County Durham mate but don’t spoil their fun
  23. I certainly read it and you questioned his behaviour, which i answered with the analogy of a bloke in the pub. Enjoy you’re bbq nice weather for it ?
  24. So WM claims he isn't Keith, yet claims to know how much the case is setting him back in personally, not just the monetary value. Also, it isn't (setting him back personally, I mean). Anyone that thinks someone forks out an entire years salary on this (bearing in mind the salary is dropped by tax etc.) is clearly a bit simple. I’ll humour you despite you’re insults. He’s publicly stated it has set him back 50k so far in legal fees, and that he has ceased work for a year to facilitate this, including that he has turned down work also in this period. You’ll have to ask him with regards to his tax matters, however unless you believe he is lying all his claims have been made in the public domain.
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