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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. lol: You're a much bigger embarrassment every time you post on here. Ouch
  2. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you.
  3. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy.
  4. Apologies, *murderers If where labelling people can we call you a tedious t#%t ? *we're Must be hard being so intelligent. At least you won’t be taking up a seat next season though, you can just sit in your bedroom and read your dictionary.
  5. Apologies, *murderers If where labelling people can we call you a tedious t#%t ?
  6. You say debunk, but disagree probably works better, as its people’s differing views, not those being wrong and you being right. When someone does something like conflate the Saudi State who are buying us, with the UK government who aren't, or they conflate private Saudi investors who bought Sheff Utd with the Saudi state who are buying us, that's a differing view but it's still also wrong like. Listen to the forums Miguel I’m right your wrong. Must be hard mixing with such dim wits on here being the intellectual you are.
  7. Ps Mark, Whilst im on next time your up in Seattle can you have a word with your pals at Starbucks. The daughters friend has just turned up with iced latte and I’ve had to tip it all her top. Once again best wishes Keysey
  8. Hey Zuckerberg, Hope you don’t mind me calling you by you first name mark for the purpose of this letter. I currently work for a broadcasting company in the Middle East Mark, now I’m aware you have a few shares in twitter currently and here I come to my current problem. I use Twitter regularly to bang on about intellectual rights and how those robbing s#%di bast#%ds are costing my company a fortune. Just between me and you mark though, it’s just a bit of a smokescreen though. You see over in old Blighty there’s this clubs fans who I can’t fuck#%g stand, and well you see those rich Saudis have got big plans for them. I sort of let it slip out accidentally a couple of weeks ago that this would be the worst thing that could happen for the rest of us. They’d be fucking unbearable. Anyway back to my point mark clearly I don’t really care if the Saudis have made you a nice little earner and bumped the share price up a bit. However, whilst I’m trying to stick a spanner in the geordies works, i need to look like I’m outraged by this. Clearly I’ll still be using twitter to stick it to those Geordie t#%ts, but it would be nice if you could just make some token gesture of stating you are anti piracy for the record. Yours sincerely Keysey
  9. Dear Micky and Minnie Mouse I write to at this dark time to remind you of your moral obligation to millions of children around the world. As I’m sure your well aware those evil Saudis have purchased a 5% stake in your company. Just so I look consistent and don’t come across as a hypocrite to those Neanderthal geordies, I call on you to make a stand against this. Clearly I’ll still subscribe to you on the Disney channel as the kids love it, but maybe you could have a word with Aladdin and we can get some sort of human rights message across in his next movie. Hold on got to rush my ubers waiting outside. Yours sincerely Miguel Delaney
  10. Eh? So 1/3 of clubs get to vote on it? I'm not sure what you mean. He implied that to block the deal 2/3 of prem clubs would have to vote to block it. My point being at know point in the directors test does it mention the clubs even get the chance to vote. I was using it as an example of why the whole podcast seemed based on conjecture and very little info.
  11. Aye, its the worst argument of all time. Awful. Don’t being so fu#%ing goofy, it’ll be a very legitimate grievance if where the only company they’re not allowed to invest in. because sport is the same as every other business? got you. Football is essentially a business in relation to this debate. The pif are currently making investments across the globe without a murmur of dissent. Wherever you like it or not football is big business now, if it was all about how will our club be perceived around the world, the premier league test would have a section where fans views are taken into account. Whether you argue well pif are only taking a 5% stake in the companies so is not the same doesn’t wash. The issue hear for most fans whether you like it or not, is there appears to be an agenda and level of hypocrisy around this deal. You can call it paranoia but we’ve been the arm pit of England for my 44 years, the bottom line of this test should be simply is our club better under the current or new owners. The piracy issue is a side show, there‘s piracy going on in this country and all over the world. To use that as excuse to block this deal will at best be seen as hypocrisy, but at worst corruption and a clear message of know your place. As in a lot of walks of life in the north east our future appears to be in the hands of a few suits in London, who currently have no idea or care of the impact this will have on our emotional or financial well being. So if this deal is blocked it will be nothing to do with human rights or how our club will be perceived with Saudi owners, it will be about the business of protecting the big 6 and the premier league’s chosen partners. It would certainly cause some parties 10 miles down the road, but the clearest message to draw would be the north’s east is here to make up the numbers and know your fu#%ing place. If you can live that with that fine but I’ll be checking out this time for good.
  12. Aye, its the worst argument of all time. Awful. Don’t being so fu#%ing goofy, it’ll be a very legitimate grievance if where the only company they’re not allowed to invest in.
  13. Just listened to that Duncan Castle podcast, as far as I’m aware 2/3 of the prem clubs can’t block this takeover because they don’t get to vote on it. It will be decided by the prem board on the criteria of the test, think a lot of the stuff in that podcast is just pi#%ing in the wind.
  14. Martin Ziegler, mandoon, Miguel Delaney, Stan Collymore, Richard Keys, kazeiro, Martin Samuel, Luke Edwards, PSG, amnesty international, Oliver Holt, Qatar.........I’ll tell you what where still in there fighting for this takeover and I’ll tell you what I will love it, love it when when this fu#%cking takeover is announced !
  15. Just when I thought I was out, they pull you right back in again. I’ll be fu#%cking bipolar when this is done.
  16. So worst case this Tory back bencher gets his select committee meeting, I’d imagine timescale for this could be weeks if not months if it involves evidence gathering. As long as uk government don’t intervene which there is no evidence they will, does the premier league delay decision until the committee sits ? In his e mail he mentions about premier league being present, now going off the Southampton example could they delay until this meeting and pcp can do f#%k all ? I suspect the premier league haven’t got a clue how to play this at minute, my suspicion is they wait for the select committee to meet, then if it’s damning and implies Saudis are guilty of piracy they use that as there get out and block deal. Happy for someone to tell me I’m way off, but today has knocked my confidence for the first time in this. Hopefully someone tells me I’m wrong but I’m starting to think this goes on months.
  17. If you had to guess, what would you say the driving force is? Not to go all tin hat, but this reminded me that her fiancee was being fed pro-Qatar narratives for his articles just before he was killed. Obviously doesn't mean he should've been killed. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/jamal-khashoggis-final-months-an-exile-in-the-long-shadow-of-saudi-arabia/2018/12/21/d6fc68c2-0476-11e9-b6a9-0aa5c2fcc9e4_story.html "Perhaps most problematic for Khashoggi were his connections to an organization funded by Saudi Arabia’s regional nemesis, Qatar. Text messages between Khashoggi and an executive at Qatar Foundation International show that the executive, Maggie Mitchell Salem, at times shaped the columns he submitted to The Washington Post, proposing topics, drafting material and prodding him to take a harder line against the Saudi government. Khashoggi also appears to have relied on a researcher and translator affiliated with the organization, which promotes Arabic-language education in the United States." "Khashoggi also appears to have accepted significant help with his columns. Salem, the executive at the Qatar foundation, reviewed his work in advance and in some instances appears to have proposed language, according to a voluminous collection of messages obtained by The Post. In early August, Salem prodded Khashoggi to write about Saudi Arabia’s alliances “from DC to Jerusalem to rising right wing parties across Europe...bringing an end to the liberal world order that challenges their abuses at home.” Khashoggi expressed misgivings about such a strident tone, then asked, “So do you have time to write it?” “I’ll try,” she replied, although she went on to urge him to “try a draft” himself incorporating sentences that she had sent him by text. A column reflecting their discussion appeared in The Post on Aug. 7. Khashoggi appears to have used some of Salem’s suggestions, though it largely tracks ideas that he expressed in their exchange over the encrypted app WhatsApp. Other texts in the 200-page trove indicate that Salem’s organization paid a researcher who did work for Khashoggi. The foundation is an offshoot of a larger Qatar-based organization. Khashoggi also relied on a translator who worked at times for the Qatari embassy and the foundation." This can’t be true are you a Saudi bot bobloblaw ?
  18. No think your spot on she’s having her strings pulled and and it’s transparent to the majority of us. yeah you know more than us sheeple. Certainly know more than you.
  19. No think your spot on she’s having her strings pulled and and it’s transparent to the majority of us.
  20. Hearing from who ? Say your right that would would be convenient where not happy with you investing in nufc, but come back in for Man U or liverpool and we’ll waive it through.
  21. Still only shows link upto last Wednesday when I go in, usually takes a while to pop up.
  22. So if you believe the ronny gill and these documents haven’t come from bein, it would be interesting to know who has. It could be British broadcasters, la Liga, human rights lawyers digging for shit or even clubs within prem desperate to stop this. My main concern is the league is stalling this decision in the hope they get that bit of evidence to block this, time will tell but my feeling is the decision will be based purely on which outcome creates the least s#%t storm for them.
  23. This bloke has bein sports in his twitter profile, as always important to know who’s view you are reading. As we know forces at work to stop this but I’m fairly confident this won’t be anything new.
  24. This are the premier league going to keep delaying for every fu#%er who sends a letter in. If they weren’t found guilty in a French court of law, I very much doubt premier league lawyers are going to come to a different verdict. They’d have to be very sure it would stand up in a court of law, because that’s where pcp would take them.
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