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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Few mentions today about this Mauriss blokey bidding for sponsorship at the World Cup in Qatar. With reports of a bid 50 million over the asking price and keys name dropping him, it does make you wonder. The Qatari’s bid for the World Cup was corrupt as hell, the chairman of bein/PSG is due in a Swiss court later this year on bribery charges. Are we paranoid ? To fu#%ing right we are, and with good reason I suspect.
  2. This is the ground being cleared for everyone to save face. The Saudis get to come back and buy a top 6 club in next couple of years, and we get the poor American who we will be told we should be grateful to have. Of course the fact he’s got no money and will be no threat to top 6, will mean he sails though checks.
  3. He’s determined to piss on our chips. The headline does say complicit as opposed to behind it, which you could say is correct. However not sure what point he’s trying to prove here.
  4. Despite saying he was taking a break from it earlier, he’s back again.
  5. NEW: BeIN respond to WTO ruling This from the Financial Times. "These are not allegations,” said Sophie Jordan, general counsel at beIN Media Group. “This is a decision from one of the most important international tribunals. and David Sugden, director of corporate affairs at beIN Media Group.“The next cycle of rights we will not bid anything near what we currently [pay],” he said, adding that if Saudi Arabia secured a place at English football’s top table, that would be “letting the fox into the henhouse”. It adds that BeIN will 'reconsider' bidding for the TV rights if the takeover goes ahead despite the WTO ruling. They are threatening not to bid for next tv rights, but in same breath saying they won’t be paying as much. Will the prem bow to them or call their bluff. This is what it all boils down to.
  6. Is the confusion and interpretation of state involvement, due to the wording ‘prominent Saudi individuals’ used in report. If you wanted to spin it you could conclude this refers to people in power within Saudi. The trouble for the objectors is that it’s inconclusive, therefore I think we’ve avoided the smoking gun and slam dunk the papers claimed.
  7. I don’t know where to start but are we moving on to Staveley now, what a crock of shit.
  8. Looking good lads. Think things have turned for the better today. Yeah apart from journos trying to put their own spin on it, I don’t think we could have hoped for anymore from today.
  9. Few more in here now, I can see this quickly becoming the place to be.
  10. If Starforth is right and the Qatari’s are going to issue a summary and view on takeover, surely the fuc#%rs are overstepping the mark. This is supposedly meant to be a private and confidential test, surely it would sound alarm bells with premier league. No partner of the league should be able to exert this much influence, it would be an extreme case of the tail wagging the dog.
  11. Looks like ingle still reckons it’ll say Saudis behind piracy.
  12. Not really that’s just their defence. Interesting that there just using the geopolitical argument. They do class aljazeera as terrorist tv, so I would imagine that’s their whole argument for banning bein. Bearing in mind that Saudi is Britain’s main ally in gulf, I’d be astonished if premier league came down on Qatar’s side here. I can’t imagine Boris and co being very happy, if the league p*ss then off.
  13. If the feedback has been positive all the way along, and they then turn around and block it, you’ve got to think the premier league have led them a merry dance. This is still our biggest indicator that it’ll go through. I can’t imagine Chris Mort and Freshfields misjudging the feedback that badly, and they’ll be the people dealing with this on behalf of PCP.
  14. If this was Man U and they had the chance to get rid of the glazers, and the prem league we’re dragging their heals like this, there’d be fu#%ing uproar. The red army would be outside masters house with balaclavas on launching fireworks at him whilst he was sat on the bog. And you can be sure the press would have an entirely different view on it, including little miggy.
  15. The complaint details central and municipal government departments supporting BeoutQ. Let’s hope pif don’t fall under that umbrella.
  16. https://www.policyforum.net/newcastles-takeover-and-the-politics-of-sport/ Thought the Professor had slunk away, even the Ronny gill don’t ask for his opinion these days. The "expert" who was convinced they had zero interest in the club and it was all rubbish, isn't he? His insiders at the pif hadn’t heard anything of interest in Newcastle. They couldn’t understand why they’d be interested in us when they could buy Man U. He kept this line up for 2 months, obviously with the delay he feels emboldened to return hoping everyone had forgot.
  17. You are utterly deranged. Not sure how you come to that conclusion when his employer completely agreed with what I said.... You're a genuine danger and shouldn't be allowed near cutlery. Do you genuinely think outside your bubble of Newcastle fans (and Man City fans who've been after Delaney for similar demented reasons for years) that you don't look like a complete f***ing maniac? His employer agreed with me. Are you unable to grasp that? What we're you hoping to get out of it? Probably an apology which looks like he got.
  18. https://www.policyforum.net/newcastles-takeover-and-the-politics-of-sport/ Thought the Professor had slunk away, even the Ronny gill don’t ask for his opinion these days.
  19. At least there’s hope at the minute, if it gets rejected i think that’ll be it for thousands. I’ll certainly be fu#%ing off the premier league and be finished for good.
  20. They will have to show that PIF, a separate legal entity, were involved in piracy, if the can’t then the takeover will go through. what are you basing this confident post on? Read the last couple of paragraphs of this report. https://www.footballlaw.co.uk/articles/newcastle-united-fc-takeover-and-the-premier-leagues-owners-and-directors-test there's a lot of sense there, however it kind of ignores that the PL are allowed to reject "if they believe" (or words to that effect) that an applicant is guilty of something and the massive unknown here is just what pressure/influence exactly qatar is throwing at this...PL execs will be as corrupt as anyone else, if they're being bought off then that'll be that fwiw i've always thought they'd approve it and still do You’d be right to believe Premier League is corrupt. This article is a good insight into how certain clubs namely Man U and Liverpool got to exert influence over selection of premier league CEO. How these 2 clubs were allowed to interview and rule out a candidate is staggering in a business with 20 stakeholders. When you hear about other clubs expressing concerns with this takeover, it certainly makes you wary of what shenanigans could be going on with self interest in mind. Despite all the bad press regarding this deal, I believe we’ll have every right to feel hard done by if they block it. https://www.newstatesman.com/2020/02/how-will-new-premier-league-chief-executive-richard-masters-reshape-football
  21. I feel the opposite of that. The Premier League know that (commercially) the deal is done, the club is sold, and they also know that their League needs us and the Saudi's money, rather than letting it go elsewhere in these financially 'devastating' times that are ahead in the UK. It is difficult to overstate how bad our Financial Crash is going to be. So, they are desperate to approve the takeover, but they KNOW how much high profile (but irrelevant) 'flack' they will get when they approve it, so they are going to use the WTO Report Findings as their 'explanation' that it was NOT 'PIF' (the legal entity) who were responsible for the Piracy. That is how I see it playing out - so expect to hear very good news this week . . . Really hope your right and I’m wrong but we’ll see.
  22. Is this WTO report going to be made public? Is the best case scenario that the report says they could have done more to stop it rather than they were behind it? And even if the report does say the Saudis are behind it, will it matter anyway if PIF aren't mentioned in it? It’ll appear on their website at some point this week, but with these bodies there can always be delays so who knows. The Guardian reported that it was a slam dunk for Qatar to quote them, so I would imagine that is the best the Saudis can hope for. That’s the key question and nobody really knows the answer to that part from the premier league.
  23. More like anxious week ahead is my guess, press will have a field day when this WTO report is released. Best we can hope is that it finds they could have done more to prevent. If it goes as far as saying their behind it brace yourself. Genuinely think if we hear this week it’ll be bad news, as they’ll be using WTO report as cover. My guess is it drags on and it gets approved once the football is back underway.
  24. Nothing new but never get tired of listening to this bloke. He gets what this club is all about.
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