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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Don't feel I need educated but when this was all announced I'll admit I got pretty excited by it all, started thinking up wild s*** that could be our reality now! But then you think about it more, and think about the links we may have to such a f***ing abhorrent state and it's definitely not something any fan can possibly want, regardless of the wealth etc. I wish I could be cut and dry with the matter like yourself and others you met, but it does sit a little uneasy on me. Problem is, I don't practice this in every single aspect of life and thus I feel really hypocritical My justification is pretty simplistic if this country is prepared to accept 60 billion of Saudi investment, why should we feel duty bound to make a stand regarding this. It’s the modern world unfortunately why should we suffer more pain just keep Gary Kasparov and co sleeping easy at night. Like I say maybe simplistic and uneducated, but I’d guess it’s the majority of fans view on this. You don’t have to accept that either. I already have bring on the # cans
  2. Don't feel I need educated but when this was all announced I'll admit I got pretty excited by it all, started thinking up wild s*** that could be our reality now! But then you think about it more, and think about the links we may have to such a f***ing abhorrent state and it's definitely not something any fan can possibly want, regardless of the wealth etc. I wish I could be cut and dry with the matter like yourself and others you met, but it does sit a little uneasy on me. Problem is, I don't practice this in every single aspect of life and thus I feel really hypocritical My justification is pretty simplistic if this country is prepared to accept 60 billion of Saudi investment, why should we feel duty bound to make a stand regarding this. It’s the modern world unfortunately why should we suffer more pain just keep Gary Kasparov and co sleeping easy at night. Like I say maybe simplistic and uneducated, but I’d guess it’s the majority of fans view on this.
  3. Just had a look in the success at any cost thread, quickly exited it’s like a parallel universe. I get some people have strong views on saudi’s, but the type casting of our support who back this takeover, you would think we are all thickos who need educating. Every person I speak to is buzzing for this takeover. Actually feel kind of sorry for some of these fans who probably were desperate to get rid of Ashley, but can’t enjoy this due to their strong feelings. But like I say yet to meet any of these types in my every day life ! Counting down the minutes to cracking open those #cans
  4. Get used to it if this goes through, the Mancs were the same in the 90’s when we were a threat. Songs about Keegan and Shearer every week, shows where in their thoughts again. Bring it fuc%#ing on !
  5. I fu£%ed off this morning was turning into a right s#%t show on here. Might be a bit brazen for a newcomer like myself, but thought that other thread success at any cost would have been the place for some posters. Anyway onwards and upwards think today has been a good day for the takeover feeling very positive this will go through this week.
  6. Wrong the noise, passion, feeling of belonging will be greater after this takeover than at any point in the last 13 years. So would having any other owner. Granted but your kidding yourself if you don’t think this takeover has captured the imagination like no other. It could take us to 90’s levels of excitement, something a whole generation of our support have never experienced. In your bubble maybe. Not saying that bubble's not the majority or anything, or that it won't influence the next generation, but I wouldn't count on this being the thing that reunites the existing fan base, this debate will go on for a while and I can see plastics replacing the existing fans who this whole thing doesn't sit right with. Think you’ll be surprised by how many old school lads will make a comeback if he goes. Don’t think the atmosphere as it is at the minute could be any worse.
  7. Wrong the noise, passion, feeling of belonging will be greater after this takeover than at any point in the last 13 years. So would having any other owner. Granted but your kidding yourself if you don’t think this takeover has captured the imagination like no other. It could take us to 90’s levels of excitement, something a whole generation of our support have never experienced.
  8. Wrong the noise, passion, feeling of belonging will be greater after this takeover than at any point in the last 13 years.
  9. Think the majority of us can handle baggage if it means fu#%ing trophies. Admire you moral stance but for me it’ all about the club. This is on a different level to anything we could have dreamed of. Who’s to say this takeover will not help bring about further change in Saudi for the good anyway.
  10. It's the Daily Mail, how could you in the first place? No idea mate just like torturing myself at the min (no Saudi pun intended ) To quote the great man himself before signing off Don't ever give up on your club. Keep supporting it, it's your club and trust me, one day you will get your club back and it will be everything you wanted it to be.” - Kevin Keegan Are we getting it back now or with the next owner? The Staveley bid will feel as close to getting club back as we could achieve. It’s already documented she’s engaged locally with certain people. They appear keen to engage with previous players and bring them back into club. Staveley has already used Man City as an example of how they have invested in local regeneration as an example of what she would like to do. Just imagine that millions being pumped into local regeneration, the impact on the city post Coronavirus would be enormous. And finally fans like me who haven’t been for years due to the current parasite, would feel able to return to St James. So yeah apart from fan ownership that would pretty much feel like having my club back.
  11. It's the Daily Mail, how could you in the first place? No idea mate just like torturing myself at the min (no Saudi pun intended ) To quote the great man himself before signing off Don't ever give up on your club. Keep supporting it, it's your club and trust me, one day you will get your club back and it will be everything you wanted it to be.” - Kevin Keegan
  12. 3 separate articles on news now from daily mail, each one sticking the knife in. They practically let that t#%t from fair square right an article. I wouldn’t care if his main point was human rights, however he’s trying to use the sheff u conflict of influence angle. Let no one be in any doubt these f£@#rs will try anything to stop this, how anyone nufc can even emphasise with them is beyond me.
  13. Think if we can get through shit of next few hours, we’ll be in home straight. Apparently samuel is on Sunday supplement tomorrow just to add to the stress.
  14. Such as sports ministers following us on twitter. This is the thing for me like, there's so much ancillary evidence to suggest it's well on its way but the instant some fucknugget on twitter posts a bit of speculative thick-as-whale-spunk s**** everybody's in the pit of despair again Don’t think I’ve ever known us as supporter base to be as jumpy as we are at the minute. But never has so much been at stake !
  15. Such as sports ministers following us on twitter. I’m guessing via reliable trusted journo such as caulkin.
  16. We’ll know if directors test is passsed via unofficial channels close to group, then prob few days later for formal announcement.
  17. This stinks of opponents of Saudi deal in media saying hey look newcastle fans there’s another option here. In reality there is no other bid and who ever breaks this story will be interesting.
  18. Why, what’s wrong with an American hedge fund? A faceless hedge fund operating entirely to make profit for its investors. I’d like to wager they won’t be looking to invest in the city like this lot. This is a game changer and why people elsewhere are uneasy and rattled. An ambitious and wealthy Newcastle with momentum will be unstoppable.
  19. I’d take this consortium over any American hedge fund. I genuinely believe Staveley will be best thing to happen to this city in years. More importantly post Coronavirus she’s the only show in town. So if it’s a choice of the Saudis or mike I know who I’m with.
  20. Just sitting in the garden watching a re run of Kelly’s goal v Pompey in 92. Reminds me of what this club is about, a radged up st James, limbs all over, people spilling on the bench kissing the turf, lads next to me from shields, Washington going fucking mental in the east stand. Point being let’s get a fucking grip over this takeover f!#k your keys, delaneys, holt and Gary fu@#ing Kasparov ! I can understand amnesty’s stance but the above mentioned have ulterior motives, self interest and above all else are hypocriites. We’ve all seen the photo of Delaney in his Man U shirt and Kasparov with emiratis this morning. These tw$%s have the audacity to tell us what we should do and quote nufc is a community club who should be protected. Where were these fu%#$rs the last 13 years when we’ve royally been fu#%ed over. I didn’t see any of them writing to the premier league demanding mike to be kicked out. Speaking personally when this goes through I’ll be going mental like back in 92 ! Newcastle United will never be defeated !
  21. Any high court action by Staveley or Ashley to reverse decision could take months. Ashley would simply attempt to sell to some money making faceless American investment group, or worse still we’d be stuck with him. This takeover attempt is our last chance for years in my humble.
  22. If that’s the case why is everyone so concerned this will get knocked by due to pressure being applied. You may be right and my e mail will not even get read, however in some small way it made me feel better last night.
  23. These are exactly the type of thoughts that supporters should be bombarding the Premier League now. Let’s fight for this takeover and show Staveley we’re 100% behind her in this. Billions invested in uk economy by Saudi’s and NUFC being asked to the draw a line in the sand. Let that sink in for a minute, where being asked to sacrifice a lifetimes opportunity for people who now pretend to be concerned about a future. Make no mistake if where stuck with Ashley these people will not care a jot and will f!?k off to their next righteous cause. To old timers like me the thought of the first game after this and 50,000 mags defiantly singing newcastle are back hello, would bring a tear to the eyes after last years. Let’s fight for this takeover in any small way we can !
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