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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. Willock is fast becoming our worst midfielder. He offers absolutely nothing
  2. Holmesy

    Jacob Murphy

    It doesn't matter if he runs though, his decision making at the end of the run is catastrophic. He'd lose the ball doing something shit and we'd be on the back foot. Having him on the field is completely counter-productive
  3. Klopp is fast turning from everyone's second favourite manager to an entitled, moaning cunt. He's all fucking smiles until things don't go his way.
  4. Considering the lineup we put out, that performance was exceptional. The final outcome of the game was a complete injustice but no surprise - until we muscle our way into the Sky 6 we'll have to just accept that's part of the journey.
  5. Holmesy

    Alexander Isak

    Looks shit, get rid!
  6. Captained Haaland this week and I’ve got Mitrovic and Jesus up front as well, with Zaha in midfield ? This never fucking happens!!!
  7. I don't think we should sign him personally, I'd rather we continued to develop Anderson. However, if Eddie thought he could get a tune out of him and signed him on a free I wouldn't be worried - it's pretty much zero risk. I just think this blanket writing off of players and saying this guy is shit because that similar guy was shit, is harsh. Some players thrive in the right circumstances - settled into the area, the right manager, the right players around them, supportive fans etc. I've always liked Barkley as a player and i hope he comes good and proves a few people wrong.
  8. And he was class for pretty much all of those England appearances! But, Alli has visibly been on the decline for years, has always been a shit trainer and was given a chance to revive his career last season. He couldn't be arsed. Barkley hasn't yet shown that he's lost the hunger, so until he does you can't/shouldn't tar them with the same brush. He may well prove that he is another Delle Alli but just making the assumption because they're a similar age and their circumstances are similar is harsh. By the way, i'm not suggesting we sign him at all, I just think the blanket assumption that he's now shit and is after a last big payday is an easy one to make with no justification....yet.
  9. Ross Barkley has played for England at every age category, including 33 caps for the senior team. People are quick to jump on these things and claim he's shite because he hasn't played regularly for Chelsea. Utter bollocks! He's never been shite and probably isn't shite now. What teams need to know is does he still have the ambition and hunger he used to have. If he does, he'd be a decent signing.
  10. I wouldn't call him a cast off, he just doesn't fit into Viera's system. I've got all the time in the world for an FM-style, left field signing to fill a gap. Understandably we all look at them with complete distain because they stink of Ashley's short-termist, bargain basement shopping, but under this regime i'd be up for a bit of pragmatism alongside our targeting of top young talent
  11. What about an offer for someone like Luka Milivojevic on a short-term deal? He's not getting a look in at Palace and he's a pretty solid DM. Also another option for set pieces. Never gonna happen but it would be 'realistic'
  12. I think Elliot Anderson is adequate backup for Joelinton and Bruno. In fact, i'd put him above Longstaff in the pecking order. Whether those four are enough largely depends on what formation we plan to play. If it's a midfield three, we need another CM. If it's two holding with a number #10 in front, we need a #10. If it's 4-4-2, I think we're alright with what we have in CM but we desperately need a winger
  13. So, if it's a choice between winger and CM it's a no brainer for me - winger 100%
  14. Despite Tripps being out, Wood had plenty of decent headed chances last season but he cushioned every one of them back to the opposition keeper. Hopefully the goal against Tranmere will get that monkey off his back
  15. I'd prefer us not to go into the season with Almiron, Murphy and Fraser as our right wing/backup options.
  16. Holmesy

    Jamal Lewis

    He’s clearly lost whatever confidence he had going forward - he makes the run, checks back and knocks off an easy pass every time. That’s not the player we bought - he was a proper attacking fullback from what I remember. Get him some game time to build up his fitness and confidence and hopefully Eddie can spark his resurgence, Joelinton-style
  17. In this case I think boring is excellent. I did mean it kind of tongue in cheek tbf. After enduring Pardew head butting payers, Joe Kinnear flaunting his mental instability and Steve Bruce’s emotional fragility, boring (professional) is a breath of fresh air
  18. Come on Aldo you thick scouse prick, pick us a cushy home tie!
  19. Classy fucker! Boring, but a proper class act
  20. Chelsea and Man City etc. can ride this sort of shit because they’ve got a fucking stable full of race horses. We’ve only got a handful and we’re just getting used to having them again. They’re precious as fuck! That game has done my nerves no good at all. For the first time ever I’m hoping we draw another PL team in the next round ?
  21. Meeting with the medical staff pre-Wolves game is gonna be a laugh. “Right lads, who’s not fucked?” Fucking Tranmere man! Dirty fuckers! ?
  22. £10m up front and another £20m if they stay up. Cunts!
  23. He has the technique and confidence to play a part in our first team squad and it would do him the world of good. Let’s see if he can level up and play a part in our future. Loan him out again and we’re basically saying he’s not part of our future plans, which would be a shame. If we have to loan him out it should be to another PL team with some guarantees of first team football
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