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Everything posted by nufcnick

  1. I said we wouldn’t get above £10m this year, I fully expect, if we have a good season next year to get above £10m. I even said that we would be better off getting new sponsorship next year after hopefully having a good season as we could then justify a more lucrative deal easier than we can own
  2. I did say last week it was in all likelihood not going to be financially viable to bin off Fun88, but no I was 100% wrong
  3. You know it’s coming though, I did say that Fun88 had another year to run. it wouldn’t surprise me if the fat parasites last fuck you was the buy out was the full £6.5m, which would then not make it worthwhile to buy out.
  4. If we do end up with Fun88 on the shirt for next season, which I think we will, I’m guessing the buy out is closer to the £6.5m
  5. I did say that, it really doesn’t make financial sense to buy out a £6.5m contract if all your likely to gain is £3.5m extra out of it
  6. I’m not going to argue about this again, and will be happy to say I’m wrong if it comes out in the next few weeks that I was wrong and we have a nice big sponsorship to look forward too. Let’s see how many apologies I get if it turns out I’m right though
  7. Your not going to increase it by a substantial amount now though as anything above £10m will be knocked back by the PL
  8. This I what I was saying yesterday, we have no chance of getting big deal though the PL this season after finishing in the bottom half, where as if we have a good season next season and finished better ie top 8 we can justify a bigger deal to the PL
  9. She will be getting banged more than a drum
  10. I agree, a lot could be offloaded quite easily to the newly promoted clubs and those hoping to come up next season
  11. You can bet your arse that’s exactly how the PL will view it with us
  12. To which we still don’t know the outcome, for all we know it was going to be thrown out as we hadn’t followed the process as the PL set out.
  13. No we won’t be able to get £20m+, West Ham have finished above us for years and their sponsorship is worth £10m, there is no way the PL would see a clubs new sponsor of £20M+ that finished in the bottom half of the league as fair value
  14. And he didn’t take them to court either, it was a pre hearing to see if the club could take the PL to court, and currently there was no decision of that pre hearing.
  15. So aggressive sweetie, You can’t just take them to court straight away, you have to go through arbitration first, you have to follow the rules set out first, before you go to court otherwise the court will throw it out
  16. They would argue it’s not far value to go from £6m a year(for the last 14 years) to £20M+ a year for a constant bottom half team, when no other bottom half team has that sort of shirt sponsorship. I also don’t think we can take them to court, as I’m sure it’s in the rules and regulations that you sign at the start of the season that all disagreements go through the PL arbitration process, the fat parasite got around that with regards to the takeover because he argued that the club didn’t actually sign it that season so could actually take them to court, a legal loophole the PL wouldn’t let slip through again.
  17. You won’t get any argument from me, this is why I think we may still have fun 88 for another season, especially If we have to pay the reported £4-6m to get rid of them, far easier to get a £20-25m shirt deal through next season if we’re in the top8, than it is now when we finished in the bottom half of the league
  18. It can’t bring in that much as the PL would stop it, they is now way we get past the fair value going from £6.5m a season to £25m+ In the first season
  19. Christ the panic and bed wetting in here is funny as fuck, for all anyone knows the shirt release could have been delayed because we were close to a signing and they wanted to do both at the same time
  20. Exactly, if we suddenly stopped eating animals and switched to a vegan/vegetarian diet, there would be millions, if not over a billion deaths due to there being not enough food to go around, the switch would lead to even more deforestation due to the need for more space for agriculture, veggie heads don’t really consider that though and are probably happier for a human to die through malnutrition than to let someone eat an animal.
  21. Veggie heads seem to forget or ignore the fact that there 1000s of rodents culled when growing and processing fruits and vegetables, also let’s not forget the amount of insects that are also wiped out for their food, guess it only counts though when it’s a cow/pig/chicken
  22. I feel guilt that my steak isn’t big enough some times, does that count?
  23. Probably took their inhalers too early
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