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Everything posted by nufcnick

  1. It wouldn’t surprise me, but if that had happened I’m sure it would have been leaked by managers agents that they had rejected us
  2. The thing that gives me a little hope is we have both Burnley and Norwich before Xmas home with a new manager in the dugout but those are must win games, Then After the window opens we have Watford/villa/wolves/Brighton/palace at home and Burnley/Norwich/Leeds/Southampton away with hopefully a far better calibre of player, all games we’re capable of winning, I have discounted the 2 Brentford games because there is always a newly promoted team that does the double over us and it’s likely to be them, but I also haven’t counted any freak wins that we could get over the likes of Arsenal/Leicester/Everton, so the required number of points are there if we get a capable manager soon.
  3. The new manager needs to be in the stands at the very least for the Brighton game
  4. It’s like Ashley never left with the amount of indecisiveness
  5. Even Jesus Christ would struggle to get onto one of our crosses
  6. We have done in previous seasons
  7. It actually makes sense for it to be him, being at a Saudi club would make it easier to get him out of his contact, wouldn’t surprise me if he was brought to that club for this very reason, he’s a ready made backup if we can’t get the manager we want
  8. We don’t have 30 odd games to go, we have 28 games to go which we now have to average 1.2 points per game from to stay up.
  9. Think it already has, the takeover came out of nowhere so they weren’t prepared, all the planning from last year was out the window because those people earmarked are now in other jobs, the failure to sack Bruce right away will come back to haunt them as the new manager position becomes less and less desirable as we get cut further and further adrift
  10. I’m starting to really believe we are cursed, we seem to lurch from one bad decision to another. We must be the only team that never seems to get a new many bounce either
  11. Its a horrendous appointment, if that’s who they go after
  12. If he’s in charge for Brighton, then that’s absolutely criminal and absolutely sends the wrong message
  13. This ^^^^ I would be massively disappointed with Martinez
  14. His wife is Scottish, so it is plausible that he is visiting or lives in the UK, but that is a worry if he was at the Wigan match today
  15. Aye, I would be very worried if the new manager isn’t in the dugout or the stands at worst come Saturday
  16. Even 25 points from 19 games is a big ask, and that’s if we actually get 7 points between now and Xmas
  17. Our fixtures until Xmas are worrying, I can’t see more than 7 points TBH, which will mean we need 29 points in the second half of the season
  18. Aye dropped off after about 55-60 mins today, so hopefully by the time the international break finishes we should be able to play for 90 mins
  19. I just think the fact, that for the last 2 years cabbage head has trained them to basically “get the ball to ASM then sit back and watch/hope” that is going to take some time to forget and train out of them. Look at willock when he came in last year, all of that proper training at arsenal(5 days a week vs 2/3 days) was still in his mind so he was making runs and getting into positions that most dynamic midfielders do and it was getting him and us goals, cabbage head trained that right out of him from the summer and he’s now a shadow of his former self, are you telling me he’s now a shite player after 6 months of bad coaching, even after how he performed from February to May? We have a lower mid table capable side with proper coaching, the problem is time is now getting short to get them playing like footballers again.
  20. Mandy best have that cute arse of hers on the phone to Favre or Fonseca right now saying “you start on Monday”
  21. Isn’t that a definition of insanity, trying the same thing over and over, expecting a different result
  22. If that same team starts next week, he needs shot with shit
  23. Get away man, it was a foul no more, he’s in a huff because the guy that used to let him get away with murder and do what he liked has gone, now he’s expected to be in training 5 days a week and put some effort in. Wait till the new manager comes in and fines him every time he’s late(which is apparently every time there is a training session)
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