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Everything posted by nufcnick

  1. Mandy best have that cute arse of hers on the phone to Favre or Fonseca right now saying “you start on Monday”
  2. Isn’t that a definition of insanity, trying the same thing over and over, expecting a different result
  3. If that same team starts next week, he needs shot with shit
  4. Get away man, it was a foul no more, he’s in a huff because the guy that used to let him get away with murder and do what he liked has gone, now he’s expected to be in training 5 days a week and put some effort in. Wait till the new manager comes in and fines him every time he’s late(which is apparently every time there is a training session)
  5. I’m not saying a new manager with new ideas isn’t needed, what I’m saying is when you’re fit have have more chance of being able to absorb and then steal a winner(Rafa teams), it’s the lapses in concentration that cost us today through lack of fitness, tired body leads to a tired mind. Look at Brighton for example yes they have a cracking coach, but they are fit and look like they can run for days, same with palace, if you don’t have a good team then the team you have needs to have high fitness levels. At the start of the season if you looked on paper, you would say man for man we had a far better team than Brighton, it goes to show what a well drilled fit team can do
  6. Yep, there is a reason Liverpool we’re going to sign Lewis, schar is a Swiss international, Fernandez is our best defender, willock has pace and energy. A new manager you would feel can get a lot out of that team when properly coached
  7. That’s because there was no Plan other than to absorb, under Rafa we were fit and had a plan when we got the ball, it’s going to take at least another 2 weeks to get the fitness back after cabbage heads laziness
  8. The thing is, if you want to play with backs to the wall, absorb pressure and hit on the break to snatch a winner, then that team has to be FIT, that is something because of the 2-3 day weeks under cabbage head this team doesn’t have, the game plan worked until about 60mins when the lack of fitness showed, a few more weeks of 5 day weeks and the fitness will show, we had almost the same team under Rafa and it worked because we were fit
  9. ASM gets marked out of the game because he’s too lazy to try and make himself space, all the best players make themselves space, how many times do you see 3 players on salah but he still makes chances
  10. If we don’t have a new manager announced next week and in the stands on Saturday night there is something drastically wrong
  11. Bet Jones bottles dropping darlow next week
  12. We will be the only team without a win by the end of the weekend
  13. No doubt in my mind that we’re going down this season, we’re absolutely tragic
  14. Think in a game like this having a new man in the stands would have given a boost
  15. Yeah TBH I’m gutted the wasn’t announced today to give them a bit of a lift
  16. It’s a good job it’s not January as poor mendy would have frostbite
  17. From their 18 yard box to our keeper in 4 touches, outfuckingstanding
  18. This ^^^ ASM also has a habit of doing it as well, boils you piss when players can’t be arsed to chase the ball. If people love ASM they want to hope Rafa doesn’t come back as there is no chance he gets in the side with that attitude
  19. If you think we can hold out like that for 90 mins your deluded, we will concede within 10 mins of the restart
  20. Can I have some of what your smoking please
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