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Everything posted by Awaymag

  1. Nufc died 14 years ago, this is sports direct we are commenting on
  2. A shit team will win or draw and nobody really cares anymore!
  3. God this takeover is like watching NUFC, boring and you know in the end it will be a disappointing result.
  4. Not really. You take Twitter with a large pinch of salt. Twitter nufc wise is now a cess pit and I dont bother with it. I'll wait for official comms on CAT and arbitration. Other than that NUFC can get to fuck!
  5. No, as there is nothing to support, certainly not a football team that wants to better itself every year. Christ, cleaning the gallowgate roof would be seen as progress for this turd of a club.
  6. Hope everyone had a great day out. Get shafted up the arse by Ashley and Premier League and they still come back for more. Took 90 mins and we reverted to type. Still we had a good day and the atmosphere was great. Bunch of cocks the lot of them!
  7. RS, do you want a takeover or not? Can you give a straight answer, yes or no?
  8. Well some of the spuds on here think Puke Edwards is a news source so why not! Same creditability
  9. Whos excited? What ever NUFC does is a total irrelevance unless the Takeover gets done. Its like moving deck chairs on the Titanic. Never felt less excited about a new season approaching! Bruce as manager ........dear god, may as well nail my testicles to the floor
  10. He's a prick! I put him on ignore weeks ago but unfortunately he still appears when someone quotes him!
  11. Are you new to supporting NUFC? NUFC show ambition, LOL. I know it painful guys to admit it but unless this takeover goes through, NUFC is a corpse. Its being run on a shoestring - the stadium, training facilities are a disgrace and decaying. We have an MD that isn't an MD. We have shadow directors (JB) that the PL doesn't seem to give a shit about (unless its to stop the takeover). The whole setup is stinks.......show ambition LOL
  12. LOL, love the way your dream still requires you to pay for seeing her. Mind just couldn't handle you two together eh?
  13. we'd still argue but over which manager and whether to expand the stadium or build a new training ground. Oh and then the Human rights people will arrive. We are just fucked as a forum basically!!!
  14. Knew you couldn't resist - get over to the other board before the mods ban you for a week!
  15. Just remember though, the PL are protecting the NUFC fans........we wont be able to handle ambition/success so we have to be protected from that! God bless the PL!
  16. best thing to do is enjoy the Euros and wait and see what happens with the takeover from official sources i.e the club. Anything else is just click bait. Takeover happens - superb I will re-enage with NUFC Takeover doesn't happen - crap and time to ditch football/NUFC entirely
  17. bitch aint it. I did say this would happen because people just can't help themselves - school ground stuff but when the mods openly mock the positive thread, then kids will no longer listen to the teacher!
  18. LOL GDM agreed to stay in the other thread and now its locked. Can he stick to the deal or will he come across into the positive thread.........................
  19. We both know that is unlikely! Last post from me in this thread as per agreement!
  20. I'll go back to the positive board if you, FB, Joelinton stay on this board and not come on the positive board - deal?
  21. The positive thread was created as a light hearted thread for those that wanted to believe the takeover goes ahead, for things like weird twitter links, for reading into de marcos bread tweets etc. Whats happened is that this forum couldn't handle that and the bit of your comment in bold highlights the very issue. The people in thread don't want to be engage with possible of failure of the takeover, that is what this thread is for. The positive thread is as its title suggests - for positive comments! 8 months later and we are still having this misunderstanding. Just admit it, you and others can't resist but to go in and fish for a reaction!
  22. £50 million transfer budget........now which group was reported by various outlets to provide a constant £50m per year for players..........hmmmm head scratcher indeed!
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