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Everything posted by Awaymag

  1. More evidence for De Marco and co to show our takeover was subjected to far stricter scrutiny than any previous. I would have thought the government would have pushed for them to accept the bid. Premier league went to them.... I think they would, but the point is why did they feel they had to go to them. It’s meant to be a confidential process and if scrutiny of our takeover has been shown to be different to others, it all plays into the narrative that we have been treat differently. I expect to tell them that they are going to reject the bid and wanted to explain why (Piracy) or get more info on the buyers. Also we probably have been treated differently but I can't think of any club being bought while at the same time running an illegal sports stations that steals games. I'm still confused by this. Is it PIF that are illegally streaming games? Is this still going on? https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2020/6/16/explainer-the-piracy-case-against-saudis-beoutq-channel Think we all know if the Saudis wanted to shut it down they could. Probably could have but its still got nothing to do with PIF. Separate legal entity which is what do marco is trying to prove. I suppose its a bit like having a limited company over here. I am the sole director and shareholder of my company, i earn its money, i spend it, i have complete control over the business, its direction and its finances. But legally, its separate to me. That's where a problem arises though surely. As the owners and directors test has to find the parties who are have control over said company. With PIF describing themselves as the sovereign wealth fund of the state then the state surely has control over PIF. So it doesn't really matter if it's a separate legal entity in itself in that respect. Exactly this. The Saudi state could turn round after the takeover and dissolve PIF and take over control of all the enterprises PIF entered into including control of NUFC! Lol. Righto. And you REALLY don’t think in that instance that the PL might have something to say, and invoke the yearly O&D Test again to throw the club out of the league? So Isn’t that why they are wanting to test the people who have the power to do that before the takeover happens, I.e MBS. The real question is why won’t he take the test? :lol: Really, so you want MBS to take a test to buy a shitty club in the UK that amounts to 0.00x% of the PIF investment portfolio. So should the Queen have to take various tests everytime the Crown estates want to buy into something? Insane. If the premier league came out and said - we have rejected the takeover bid due to alleged piracy of IP rights etc then fine. Most fans would accept it without a blink of an eye. This not making a decision is just a delay tactic because they know if they actually gave a reason for rejecting it, it could be challenged. Anyway this is old ground, covered so many times in this thread. I wont be writing in this thread again until we hear definitive news from the PL, the club or consortium as we are just going round in circles. Whereas NUFC is just going down (to the championship). Excuse me? You're welcome. Come on we are a shitty club at the moment. We treat our assets to £30 paddling pools - whereas Leicester spend £100M on theirs!
  2. More evidence for De Marco and co to show our takeover was subjected to far stricter scrutiny than any previous. I would have thought the government would have pushed for them to accept the bid. Premier league went to them.... I think they would, but the point is why did they feel they had to go to them. It’s meant to be a confidential process and if scrutiny of our takeover has been shown to be different to others, it all plays into the narrative that we have been treat differently. I expect to tell them that they are going to reject the bid and wanted to explain why (Piracy) or get more info on the buyers. Also we probably have been treated differently but I can't think of any club being bought while at the same time running an illegal sports stations that steals games. I'm still confused by this. Is it PIF that are illegally streaming games? Is this still going on? https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2020/6/16/explainer-the-piracy-case-against-saudis-beoutq-channel Think we all know if the Saudis wanted to shut it down they could. Probably could have but its still got nothing to do with PIF. Separate legal entity which is what do marco is trying to prove. I suppose its a bit like having a limited company over here. I am the sole director and shareholder of my company, i earn its money, i spend it, i have complete control over the business, its direction and its finances. But legally, its separate to me. That's where a problem arises though surely. As the owners and directors test has to find the parties who are have control over said company. With PIF describing themselves as the sovereign wealth fund of the state then the state surely has control over PIF. So it doesn't really matter if it's a separate legal entity in itself in that respect. Exactly this. The Saudi state could turn round after the takeover and dissolve PIF and take over control of all the enterprises PIF entered into including control of NUFC! Lol. Righto. And you REALLY don’t think in that instance that the PL might have something to say, and invoke the yearly O&D Test again to throw the club out of the league? So Isn’t that why they are wanting to test the people who have the power to do that before the takeover happens, I.e MBS. The real question is why won’t he take the test? :lol: Really, so you want MBS to take a test to buy a shitty club in the UK that amounts to 0.00x% of the PIF investment portfolio. So should the Queen have to take various tests everytime the Crown estates want to buy into something? Insane. If the premier league came out and said - we have rejected the takeover bid due to alleged piracy of IP rights etc then fine. Most fans would accept it without a blink of an eye. This not making a decision is just a delay tactic because they know if they actually gave a reason for rejecting it, it could be challenged. Anyway this is old ground, covered so many times in this thread. I wont be writing in this thread again until we hear definitive news from the PL, the club or consortium as we are just going round in circles. Whereas NUFC is just going down (to the championship).
  3. If Ashley is happy with club outside of bottom 3 as implied by Chronicle, then I suspect takeover is not currently in immediate danger. Obviously things could deteriorate further over next couple of games, but think 8 point gap is saving grace at the minute. When the buyers start getting twitchy he will act. Banking on that gap would be the biggest mistake that Ashley could make. By the time it evaporates it will likely be too late to arrest the slump. If the buyers are as confident as we hear and the takeover looking nailed on then they should be doing everything they can to oust Bruce right this minute and get Benitez back. Must admit tonight is the first time I’ve actually thought we could be in real trouble here. Let’s hope some pressure is exerted behind the scenes by consortium. We are going down, look at our fixtures coming up. I cant see where the points are coming from. All ashley had to do was keep Benitez and his investment would have been safe. Absolute dickhead he is.
  4. Nufc pointless, takeover or nothing, that is all.
  5. Steve Wraith forgetting which account he's logged into. Get a room for god sake!
  6. For me, the biggest problem that the team has is that Bruce has no conviction to stick to his belief on a formation, with the same players, week in, week out. The outcome of this is that the team has no pattern of play as the team never gets a chance to gel and get an understanding of each other. Bruce needs to stick to a formation and keep with it for the remainder of the season. He also needs to get more attacking intent into the minds of the players. I would with a 5-3-2 formation I would have. Jacob, Ferdanez, Clark, Lascelles, Ritchie M Longstaff, Hayden, ASM Gayle, Wilson If playing against top 6 you could swap out Ritchie for Dummet and also with ASM, swap with Almiron if ASM is unavailable
  7. Proper! what's a wad? I'm guessing 'a smart looking lass, that you defintiely 'Wad' (or would)'. And yes, she is. Ah, gotcha, takes on a whole new meaning does the group showaddywaddy in that case
  8. Yeah cause Henry is just waiting for the ink to dry on the deeds to St James before being announced as the new owner. Luke hasn't been wrong......just like his support of Bruce.....he'll say anything to wind up the NUFC fans. He's not a journalist he is a twitter troll!
  9. Yes but he’s probably most likely to be correct than hidden messages in cooking photos. Its Luke man, this is his MO. He waits 24 hours after any item that happens and then comments on it, often taking the obtuse angle so he gets the most number of bites from fans. He isn't told anything because no-one talks to the miserable get!
  10. literally lost all confidence in kennedy if he's appearing on that human caruncle's podcast tbh Kennedy is on every Tuesday with Wraith
  11. Really going for it would perhaps be issuing the legal proceedings in the Competition Appeals Tribunal - which they said they would - not write a load of letters. It's a load of illogical, disorganised emotive crap, pulling fans along for a ride with no logical destination. Atleast they're trying something? Better then doing nothing, or bitching about them online. As far as I can see from their Twitter account they've spent more time slagging off other Newcastle fans than trying to achieve anything meaningful. It's all a scam - strings being pulled primarily by Steve Wraith. Nothing to do with Steve Wraith and what are you doing to assist the takeover ? I haven’t seen anywhere where they’ve slagged off other fans, they’ve merely pointed out that t***s like you are happy to criticise but done f*** all yourself. As for it being a scam, these blokes have used their own hard earned cash you f***ing cretin. Fans like you fella deserve another 13 years of Ashley. All new members trying to convince others the Takeover is dead. Hmmm very suspicious. I wont change my view until Nick De Marco says what the outcome is
  12. We’ve got 2 of the best QC’s in their speciality fields working on this takeover, and by all accounts a huge legal team behind them working on this, so yes there are people working behind the scenes to make this happen. In addition numerous journalist including Kennedy, Caulkin, Burt Douglass and the guy from the Observer who’s name escapes me, all confirming the aim is to get the takeover pushed through and PIF are just waiting for the wheels to be greased to enable this. On top of this you have massive hints from Staveley’s husband, Jamie Reuben and the NCSL that everyone is aiming to get this done. Remember the takeover 2.0 as Caulkin named it after political pressure, confirmed that PIF money was actually in a bank account in this country to complete the deal. I’ve learned on this site you can’t change people’s minds by presenting glaring information, those who claimed the takeover was dead soon backtracked, now certain people are claiming this is all about compen for Ashley. In short believe what you want, but this is 100% in play with a view to getting the takeover completed. Thats quite a significant step isnt it? If it can be that close and still blown out of the water then it doesn't bode well for pretending any minor steps that seem to be going in the right direction at the moment is some unstoppable snowball which will end in a takeover, if anything people hearing that will probably give up on it ever happening at all. Some would say in the world of football law De Marco is an unstoppable force. Whitley Mag, Im with you. Over the Xmas period there seems to have been a concerted effort on here and Twitter to try and turn fans thinking this takeover is in play, to that it is not happening. Personally, its takeover or nothing for me. I'm not interested in a football team that doesn't want to compete and more importantly isn't allowed to compete by the organisers of the competition!
  13. Thats why I hope to god the takeover goes through. My initial thought was build organically to become a club again we can be proud of. Now if the takeover goes through, I want then to splurge big time and blow these pieces of shite out the water and we can tell them all to fuck off!
  14. Im going to sit down and watch this with a few pints and enjoy it. I hope we get trounced 10-0 and I will cheer every goal that goes in.
  15. Oh please don't starting bring politics into this board for god sake!
  16. You can be almost hear the excitement in the sky commentators voice about another toon defeat.
  17. Very true, tho the fact Newcastle were the only club to vote against it is not a very good sign why would the other premier league clubs not vote for this deal. its a no brainer for them and under normal circumstances, it would be for NUFC. I think Im done now with this forum and NUFC. Its just a depressing place, there is no joy in NUFC and this forum. I need a break. Have a good Xmas and I'll come back, if a takeover ever comes to fruitation.
  18. 25 shots by Leeds - 1 every 3-4 mins. Our midfield is weak as piss. We can't defend against players running at us with pace and from the 1st whistle, we just get deeper and deeper. I watched Wilson today and he is starting to get pissed off. Man the life boats, if we can be arsed. And that's just it, as a fan base I don't we think we are. 13 years of this and I think the only thing that could re-juvenate us is a takeover.
  19. Well is there really a need to comment on every single tweet he makes? I'd find a little bit annoying if I was him. Their original tweets were factual and were obviously being vetted by their legal team. Lately, its like the legal team have moved on and you have just the two fans doing the twitter. Would much prefer them to just comment on progress or not with their legal challenge, as otherwise they are just another twitter fan account.
  20. What's happened to the Arse? They are terrible.
  21. Get Deli Ali in on loan and then drop Shelvey. The guys legs have gone and he slows down our attacks
  22. Okay, so lets say they reshape the purchase and the PL still say no.....then what. Mick fucking Martin, thought he was dead.
  23. What? Mimms' mate has suggested Kennedy gets his info from a well known NUFC gobshite. I dont know who Mimms' mate is. Who you talking about? It's become apparent that Mimms gets his info from a dude on another forum who I can now see the posts of (albeit he keeps the juicy details to a smaller WhatsApp group, and doesn't post all of the info on the forum). Or Mimms IS the guy on the other forum? You have just entered the TWILIGHT zone! What is this trickery?
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