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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 4 minutes ago, GeordieDazzler said:

    Bit like Gayle, unplayable in the Championship, ineffective in the Prem. He's the Norwich city of strikers. 


    He’s never played for a decent team in the PL tbf. Would be interested to see how he’d get on with a team not battling relegation under a crap manager.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Klaus said:

    :lol: Tron seemed like a sound poster as well, then for ne reason lost his mind


    I think it’s one of those situations where you make a bad choice and then feel obliged to stick with it and take it all the way. :lol: 


    I can imagine a lot of murders happen like that. Start strangling someone and realise you’re already in bother, so need to carry on.

  3. 23 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    Agreed it’s also very similar to Pardew. They get a bit of magic from someone as they have a lot of good players. Bruno puts up mad numbers, Greenwood must have ridiculous shots/to goal ratio. 

    Imo the Ronaldo signing was a bad idea. Not only can be not press the way he used to, so he essentially is static, you have to change your team

    For him. And then you’ve got Fred and McTominay in mid.  Neither of them two get in any other top 4 team. Not at all imo. 


    I’m not sure Fred or McTominay would get into many PL teams, never mind top four.

  4. 2 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    It was always a risk to sign Ronaldo as good as he is, you’re leveraging your whole team to cater to him. 


    Upfront has never been Man Utd’s problem though. OGS has never been able to organise the defence, because like Bruce, he’s clueless tactically.


    Man Utd’s attacking players have got OGS out of holes he’s created for his whole tenure.


    Sometimes the holes are too big for them to fix though.


  5. 1 minute ago, midds said:

    This is the huge elephant in the room regarding punditry in this country. Even the most intelligent pundits who generally make the most salient and pertinent points when they speak have a collective blind-spot when it comes to talking about their mates. They absolutely refuse to go in on people they know or they've played with or they like. Make a complete mockery of them and they show themselves up on a daily basis, needs a complete shift of the punditry paradigm.  


    Why would they care when football in general is one big boys club?

  6. 1 minute ago, mrmojorisin75 said:

    Frog has been fairly consistent hasn't he without addressing the fact they have absolutely no style or identity - that if he fails he should and will be sacked as they've backed him.  All depends on your definition of failure :lol:


    Failing to win anything for two seasons despite having an open chequebook should be classed as failure.

  7. Talking about being “a class apart”. This Liverpool team cost much less to assemble.


    Neville trying his hardest to absolve Ole of any blame.


    Just hope he stays in a job long enough to do lasting damage.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Inferior Acuña said:

    I'm honestly not sure so I can't be arsed arguing about it, but - I can see how it could be seen as racist to massively darken an Arab persons skin as part of wanting to depict them as an evil barbaric person. MBS is nowhere near that colour, he's very light skinned.


    Please don’t take us down this street. We’ve already lost one :lol: 

  9. 1 minute ago, Jaqen said:

    The Froggy and Kaiz defence of Ole tonight should be good. 


    They’ll say it’s time for him to go, but don’t forget what a wonderful job he’s done so far. He’s stabilised Man Utd and kept them in the top four etc. etc.


    Same lines that get trotted out for every dismal manager. He’s been hopeless and like Bruce, the law of averages finally catching up with him.

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