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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 6 minutes ago, Rich said:

    I thought TRon’s comments on the banner were a bit weird yesterday, but after this am I right to be reading them as though he’s annoyed about the darker skin tone because it’s somehow more offensive that way?




    Aye :lol: It’s racist because they’ve over darkened MBS.

  2. 5 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    Find it hard to believe every football club fanbase isn’t basically the same. 


    It’s sort of natural too. The bigger the fanbase, the more chance of more muppets being present.


    No surprise most of the well supported teams  tend to have their fair share of talking points.

  3. Man Utd out of the title race in October with the 2nd most expensively assembled squad in the entire history of the competition, is pretty hilarious.


    Especially when today is their first match against any of the ‘top 6’. :lol: 


    I pray they keep Ole. I doubt they’ll even get in the top four.

  4. Just now, Beezeri said:

    Didn't see the game but 214 passes in total and 64% of them 138 successful. It's about 1,5 successful passes per minute! How is that even possible? And possession 25%! 


    We'going to need a new midfield ASAP. And I thought Jones's going to play possession based attacking football. Yeah...he did have 3 days to train with the players but still. It was even worse than under SB. 


    It’s not even the worse performance in the last 7 days. Absolute nonsense.


    It wasn’t sparkling attacking football, no. But we clearly had a plan (for the first time in ages) and executed it fairly well.


    A point away from home in our predicament is a good start, especially when it would have comfortably been a defeat if Bruce was still here.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Numbers said:

    Twitter is a terrible like, Newcastle fans giving Jamie Reuben pelters for saying an improved performance today. Its almost like they expected us to steam roll Palace today because Bruce is gone.


    By all accounts, it was an improved performance, despite some poor individual performances at least we looked like we knew what was expected.




    The match thread on here isn’t much better.

  6. 2. The biggest two causes of our potential relegation have been removed and there is plenty of football to be played.


    Depending how quickly the new manager can fix things, I’d expect us to finish mid-table at worst.

  7. 1 minute ago, bowlingcrofty said:

    I wonder if PIF would look to sell the club if we went down.


    Not a chance we go down. Depending on how much threat we’re in before January will probably determine the money available.


    Even in the very unlikely situation we did, we’d be straight back up.

  8. 1 minute ago, deejeck said:

    By the bastions of morality... 


    It all kicked off when some of our fans started racially abusing a couple of the Charlton fans

    Was absolutely disgusting and an embarrassing day for the club


    Don’t even need to have been there to know its true.

  9. Probably wasn’t a good sign when he downed tools for Bournemouth, Owen style, because of his desire to get a move.


    Has been completely ineffective for us and he doesn’t even look arsed.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Robster said:

    Bramble-O'Brien isn't a Champions League centre half pairing, but thanks to SBR...
    All we need is a good manager.


    EDIT : I'm not suggesting L-H is CL quality, just that a better manager will get more out of them.







    Longstaff was worth £50m before Bruce got his hands on him.

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