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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 32 minutes ago, Ikon said:

    It's funny how beaten up we are :lol: As soon as it's something negative then many people choose to believe it. 


    I always try and look at the positives.

  2. 24 minutes ago, The Prophet said:


    The Northern Echo have been absolutely clueless thus far, but its a  fair guess to make. 


    All of the media have. They’ve got every decision so far totally wrong.


    Best to ignore all of the rumours totally until there is something concrete.

  3. 1 minute ago, Dokko said:


    I can't quite remember when i saw it but it was in a financial report the likes of Maguire does via twitter. Its Usmanov their other shareholders company who sponsors them irrc. He'll also sponsor the new ground for £30m.




    It’s mentioned in here but doesn’t state the figure:


    The club also revealed that the Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov, a business partner of the majority shareholder Farhad Moshiri, has strengthened his ties with the club after agreeing to pay £30m up front for an exclusive option on naming rights for their new stadium. Usmanov’s holding company USM already sponsors Everton’s training ground.

  4. 1 hour ago, morpeth mag said:

    Local Saudi team buy Messi then loan him to nufc for peanuts etc etc Once you own ten clubs (like Citeh do) and have corporate influence all over the globe there is no stopping you.


    Apart from winning a Champions League.

  5. Is it the collapsed lung or something else they are looking at?


    Hope he’s okay, obviously. Never been his biggest fan but it’s never nice to hear of someone taken ill.

  6. The coach we’ve poached from them has turned into the worst coach on Earth overnight.


    Singlehandedly responsible for any failing at youth level for them and couldn’t possibly have any hand in the positives.


  7. 4 minutes ago, mrmojorisin75 said:


    You don't know this yet.  The failure to success ratio in football decision-making is heavily skewed towards the shit in my experience.


    Granted they'll probably have the money to fix mistakes but don't just assume everything is going to be gravy from now on.



  8. I can watch cricket, but I don’t. If that makes sense.


    If it was on the TV, I’d sit and watch it, but I wouldn’t actively go “ooh, the crickets on, I better watch that”.


    It’s way above the likes of rugby and golf but way behind tennis and football.

  9. Wish the club were sensible to turn comments off on posts like that.


    If it’s not some random Saudi bot, you just know thickos will pile in. Same with any post about women’s football etc.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    Pleased to see City dumped out. Hope Liverpool don't win it. 


    Liverpool will get knocked out unless they draw the mackems. Klopp shows zero interest in this and fields such weak teams.


    This has a Tottenham win all over it imo, lose Kane’s virginity.

  11. 37 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Pretty ironic given the banner Boro fans held last weekend.


    Teams may as well just have banners that say:


    ”No to Saudi investment, unless it’s in us”. 


    Because that’s pretty much all it is :lol: 

  12. Just now, LionOfGosforth said:


    Gonna have to disagree with this a little bit. Depends on what is considered successful I suppose but in a brand new league and foreign country, he scored something like 12 or 13 in a shit, destined-for-relegation team at 20 years old. He's miles better than a couple of the current "strikers" we have, even if he was never really given the time to develop properly here. Nowadays, we're soon to be way beyond his level, but there's a bit of unfair revisionism going on in here with him IMO.


    Always has been. Some people disliked him from day one for very little reason. Well, the reason was he was bought into a relegation side and expected to be prime Pele.


    Same effect with Jones now. People affiliate him to Bruce (without actually knowing what goes on behind the scenes) and automatically view him in a negative light and disregard any success without giving him any sort of chance.

  13. 2 hours ago, Kanji said:

    From the Athletic https://theathletic.com/news/newcastle-included-in-working-group-set-up-after-premier-league-meeting/lLUBCzXJYH6o/?source=twitteruk:



    I understand what the source is getting at, but I can't accept that "OK so Newcastle United is a 5m a year shirt team, and Liverpool is a 25m a year shirt team" - the whole point of these commercial deals is proforma and growth. Someone spending 10m, 15m, or even 25m a year on a shirt deal will be doing so based on the growth potential. To me that is a limit to free market. The materiality and thresholds should be based on comparable brands, companies, etc. ie: the airline companies have average of X, high - medium - low of X. 


    I am very uncomfortable with how it's portrayed - esp the "and most likely see the agreement rejected" which is terribly unreasonable and incredibly poor way to conduct business. 





    Even more ridiculous by the fact our current commercial agreements are way below market value because of the previous idiot in charge.


    If there was a cap on deals across all teams, i.e. nobody can come in and pay about £30m a season for a shirt deal because that’s silly, fair enough. 


    I get the need for something like this, to prevent blatant circumventing FFP. But it should be done on a level playing field and not just because you’re upset about Newcastle.

  14. Why stop at a podcast? Why not a full radio station?


    6am - 10am - The breakfast show with @manorpark , positivity to start the morning.


    10am - 12pm - Treble Joey  @Joey @Joey Linton @joeyt


    12pm - 3pm - The multiple personalities of @Tubestationatmidnight. People would think it’s a talk show.


    3pm - 5pm - @54on the school run for fatherly advice.


    5pm - 9pm - Prime time slot for @HaydnNUFCafter he’s finished school and done his homework.


    9pm - 6am - @Mike, people would just think he’s pissed as it’s late at night and not take too much concern with what he says.

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