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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 3 hours ago, Ketsbaia said:

    I still laugh that Solskjaer was ever appointed :lol: 


    And then kept on for numerous years! Insane... I don't think it'll ever not be.


    Give it a few years and he'll be managing in League One or back in Norway.


    Not a single bit of criticism for him in the ground either. :lol: 


    I just hope they keep him.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Geordie Ahmed said:

    Just stay in the game until the last 20-25 mins and then look to attack 


    That's why I want a City 2nd, should open the game up more 


    Ironically they’re playing like a League Two team away to Man Utd. Ha.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dancing Brave said:

    It's really nice to have that strange feeling called hope back.


    If he’s been touching you, you probably should report it.

  4. 2 minutes ago, nufc4eva said:

    Rafa's thick Geordie accent was what did it for me. Glad he wasn't a southern or forrin


    Wonder if Howe will have any sexy quirks like “cloob” or putting his glasses in his pocket after a win?

  5. One thing is for certain, we definitely need a DoF with Howe here. His transfer business was appalling at Bournemouth which probably contributed to their downfall.


    Shocking signings that never improved them. 


    Think he’s a great manager but we need to have the right people around him.

  6. How many on here would’ve been unhappy with Howe before the takeover?


    Those unrealistic expectations taking a shine already. PIF investment doesn’t equal immediate success and superstars. Let’s get over the first hurdle of relegation, eh?

  7. He’s been mentioned since the start of the process. He may well be second choice to Emery, but I’m not convinced he’s that far down our list.


    He did a great job at Bournemouth and he’ll certainly get given every chance from me. He’s well above the Lampards and Gerrrards of the world and probably a good starting point for us to build upon.


    He’s not the biggest name in the world, but he’s a vast improvement on what we’ve just had. It’s a big opportunity for him and hopefully he runs with it.

  8. Just now, The Prophet said:


    Do you not think a lot of that is down to the state of the club they've inherited? 


    In an ideal world, you start at the top, appoint a CEO and work your way down the pecking order and I'd imagine that's exactly what they would have done.


    Unfortunately, they bought a club winless in eight and the manager and the interim manager haven't been capable of buying them any time, so they're immediately on the back foot. They need to start with a manager, which is far from ideal.


    Well, they would have known that four weeks ago. They were clear Bruce was going to be peddled from the start.


    If their intention was to start with a manager, why did it take so long to sack Bruce and/or recruit one?


    We shouldn’t be sat here four weeks in without any sort of appointment made.

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