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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. I don’t think the criticism is particularly unfair like. 

    We’re a whole month in and we’ve failed to make a single footballing appointment. I’m not surprised Emery had reservations, it’s fairly obvious the plan isn’t there yet.


    How can we convince top players and managers to join if we don’t have a DoF, or any equivalent role, if that’s a structure we’re looking at? How can our plans be set if the key people involved in those plans aren’t even through the door?


    I get the manager appointment couldn’t be done imminently. But I fail to believe the consortium haven’t had a single person lined up for a role in the club.


    Unless they get their act together soon and make the right appointments, we might very well be the richest team in the Championship.

  2. Massive cock up really, no point dressing it up otherwise.


    They need to start getting some decisions made and the right ones. A month in and we’ve done fuck all.

  3. This does worry me slightly. Staveley and co. clearly need some proper footballing people installed as quickly as possibly.


    Delays in sacking Bruce have cost us, delays in identifying and recruiting his successor appear to be costing us too.


    We’re not in a position to piss around.


    A thorough recruitment campaign is fine, but to not have a single appointment made on the footballing perspective after a month is a car crash.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Awaymag said:

    Honestly - its moving into farce territory.


    Why is this being played out in the media - whoever leaked it yesterday needs to be fired!   


    Our whole takeover played out in the media tbf. As did the sacking of Bruce.


    Charners is still around, funnily enough…

  5. Slightly reassured that the English press seem to be suggesting it is Vilarreal who are suggesting he’ll reject us, rather than himself.

  6. This place gets a bit RTG whenever negative news appears. Referring to Balague as “pissed up” and attempting to discredit him in most posts, just because he’s posted something negative.


    If it turns out to be true, it’s a massive worry.


    I hope not and I hope his source turns out to be someone at Villarreal trying to pour cold water on it.

  7. They’ve got a game in the fizzy pop league in less than three hours and the top two threads on RTG are about us :lol: 


  8. Just walking in and taking a manager from a club playing Champions League football (with an expectation of getting into the knockout stages).


    Here we are 19th in the league.


    What a statement this is.

  9. RTG have obviously doubled down on their stupidity in light of the Emery news:


    “Shite at Arsenal, shite at PSG and shite this season at Villarreal it’s a yes from me.”




    The Villarreal bit my personal favourite. Shite after 10 games this season, but don’t remember his Europa League win last May.

  10. Rafa back at this cloob would be unreal.


    I’d worry it wouldn’t work, but it’d still be unreal.


    Imagine him walking in and seeing the likes of Shelvey and Dummett man. Two players he tried to bin two and a half years ago are still kicking a football for us.


    Agree with others, they’ll bin him shortly after we bring someone in.

  11. 32 minutes ago, Ben said:


    Their supporters trust sent him 13 questions to ask the other week and he just said no


    To be fair, we asked our supporters trust one simple question and @Greg obviously still hasn’t finished work to answer it, after three weeks.


    Had loads of time to chat with Caulkin though, strangely.

  12. 5 hours ago, Pokerprince2004 said:

    10 games is just a ridiculously short time to give a manager especially when he has won 5 of the 10 matches! The reaction to him by Spurs fans yesterday was more vitriolic than anything we ever did to Bruce but I dont see any uproar, so damn annoying how we are portrayed as deluded and ungrateful 


    Also goes to highlight how pathetic our support is, unable to muster any great disapproval towards Bruce in two and a half years, in comparison to Spurs’ after 10 games.

  13. 6 minutes ago, STM said:

    There must be a local media whatsapp group or something because they all get their information at the same time. When a manager does come to the forefront, one journo will break it, like Hope and then all the rest will get the same information.


    Once a candidate is clearly getting the job and everything is agreed, we will hear from Staveley via one of the local journalists.


    More likely it’s the same source, Charnley leaks all sorts to the press.


    Also probably why a lot of it is garbage and inaccurate.

  14. I don’t think we’ll even be close to relegation, to be honest.


    A competent manager and 2 or 3 signings in January and we’ll be well clear.


    Expect it’ll be similar to last season where we are down there for a while but pull away quite easily towards the end of the season.

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